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The shield to block .relationresultFresh greenliquid flowing down the protective cover to the ground .At this time, noticed Mousika, his wand ,point to the protective cover the mouth position ,and had just ended, he was obviously protective cover casting .
relationresultSeeing this,the bot will not hesitate, right before the still back hammer .In two spells to read ;it is the demon skin and storm .relationresultUnequal,body light receded ,BOT the people began to move ;straight up in the air ,when a pedal in a nearby tree, by recoil will body shells to another tree .
And then use the same method to continually make yourself off .The speed of blessing ,let these movements in normal eyes is a ghost .relationresultUntil theBOT has higher than when the snake .
He adjusted the direction ;when the feet of the tree again ,will own the bomb to the monster .relationresultEarth snakejust spit out a venom ,was immersed in a short period of time and gas .
Not found the nightmare has been in the air in the air ;see BOT, turned around, left glove on the array ,bright red flash .Massive fist scored a blistering in monster head on the right side .
relationresultTouch with a bang ,to snake skull instant burst ,burst into pieces and brains rain !!relationresultAlmostin the monster body landing at the same time ,BOT to stand firmly on the ground .
Giant left fist kept dripping with blood .relationresult. relationresultThe thirty-eight chapter .relationresultOffin the air too hard thrown behind the cloak ,is preparing to wipe the blood of a snake with .
relationresultThe sidehas sounded the voice of Mara: is more appropriate . A piece of white cloth at said bot .relationresultReach out to catch,the head also does not carry the voice: .
, relationresultYou just can let all people spend an eye .I thought it was a monkey !! Mara humorous quips .relationresultOh BOT didn sound ,just smiled and shook his head .relationresultBut Leondoes not know when it appeared, he with the horse : how will have these large monkeys ??Should say is the great ape .
Still black !!!Ha ha ha remark raised a very good response ,around the warriors have to laugh .relationresultGreat apesare living in the mainland Thule a monster .Live jump in the snow ,so ;great apes are white fur .
relationresultLeonsaid the BOT is black in great apes ,which is obviously the frolic comrades .relationresultJustcleaned the armor black copper sergeant, gently hit Leon in the chest ,motioned him to make the .
Know what !This only encouraged his momentum ,Leon grabbed the BOT fist and shouted: how ?You want to use this to get I also played his breakup ?I advise you not to do that !Because it will hurt you to wipe the armor .
Ha ha ha .relationresultBlack copperSergeant had to retract his fist ,helpless shakes his head ;this is pure Orc type .Years of experience tells BOT ,is the best way to deal with this kind of joke ;smile, did not make any response and answer .
relationresultOr a generalorder stopping the laughing : all personnel evacuate quickly ,Nishi Momotoku tells us ,the north two hundred meters there is a small river .We went to the cleaning of the blood on the armor ,and then starting .
The scent will soon open new monsters ,so ,in accordance with the battle preparation of evacuation .Fast .In addition ,the BOT to me !! , relationresultIs .Adult BOT to surrounding friends waved .
It is dissolved .Then quickly ran to Jill .relationresultThere are two peopleon the side .Are Murtha and Mousika .relationresultBlack coppersergeant standing .Just want to salute .It was Nigel waved his hand to stop the .
General words .Do not know to praise or criticism : we all know you play well .But .After the magic arrows can solve .Don take much risk .Boxing shoot the monster ?!If there is a how to do ? , relationresultTalbotdidn .
He doesn know how to answer .This kind of blame and cares to ask .relationresultStopfor a while .Admiral continued: ,Beats by Dre Just Beats.Stainless wordy .Musel to you ten group .Let your .The original master came to me in the report .
Also. Before joining the army in West Paterson is the monster hunters .The monster habits and jungle through very experienced .So .I want you and your people .Become West Paterson ten group to the left .
Mara was right .Your composition form a team to open .Do you understand? , relationresultUnderstand .Adult BOT salute .Replied .relationresultThe whole afternoon inmarch .relationresultProbablyin the evening ,jungle or gas thin fog .
relationresultWalk infront of the BOT ten group ,he is now a bit cold .Because of; in the river cleaning armor when, due to no enough time .He wore armor jumped into the waist of the river .
relationresultThus,armor was washed very clean .But inside the shirt was wet .The jungle is not to see the sun, coupled with the advent of night ,most of the men felt cold ,wet clothes and is the bot .
relationresultApart from the cold,plagued black copper sergeant and West Paterson ;to his face with an unknown grass juice .It can interfere with the smell of monsters ,but it tastes really is lets the BOT has an urge to vomit .
relationresultWhen can we have a rest? Leon problems in from behind .relationresultI want to know ,cheap dr dre beats! BOT, not even the first time, answered the fellow .relationresultLeon is clearlynot satisfied with this answer ,so he immediately asked to back Mousika I : you are Lord personally assigned here ,should know when to rest ? , relationresultBlackmage shrugged his shoulders ,with a musical voice says : don ,but I am very tired .
I need a rest ! , relationresultEverybody needs a rest !! The tone of Leon has many complain of ingredients .relationresultSuddenly,the helmet acoustics Rune Ring sound : group of thirtieth people ,seventieth people group .
I was the first ten Nishi Momotoku of group group leader ,you quick access to the hidden state .The two leader please come here, something ! , relationresultHearing this,the first time the left fist BOT above his head .
With this action ,behind the subordinate momentarily stopped ,any activity still standing in situ .Then his whole person suddenly squats ,left boxing for palm of across the side of the body .
See this action ,subordinates have to find cover up .relationresultBOTon men rapid response is very satisfied ,at sound Rune said softly : I West Paterson .I no longer set in time, Leon was in charge of directing .
relationresultWell, have a pleasant journey ! In his joke sound, BOT bent towards the front advance quickly ,Beats Detox.relationresultSoon,horse also appears in the BOT they go to see the West paterson .
relationresultThe firstten group leader is now behind ,a horizontal rock back .relationresultHenodded is greeted ,deep voice rang up : you look out from my position !. And he removed the body .
relationresultBOTto rock back, his head out of the window .The sight of the scene that he ate one Jing indeed :in front of several hundred metres ,there was a small river ,the depth of the river can not to the calf .
But there is a river there is a village .Unequal BOT to look more closely at it, Mala has some amazing ask out loud : how here springing a village ,and was built in and over the river .
What race they are ? , relationresultIn the river shallows built village ,should only fish terran . West Paterson voice is deep .relationresultBOTone Staring at the village ,he whispered : the mouth is the fish right ,and should be very backward village . Related articles:

