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Have a rest ,along with can also be sent back to Guizhou city to find out ,what ,other people escaped without .relationresultZhong Zhenxian was trying to make people a rest ,just listen to the sound of the front hooves across ,a song coming to kill ,and they are all cavalry ,led by general is played against Liu Fuwu yesterday .
relationresultLiu Fuwu laughed and said: a confused army look, its handsome adult extraordinary ,so I am here waiting for you ,the time has come .Brothers ,to kill . , relationresultSong Jun cavalry division for two ,by both a cavalry heading ,separately from the two rib to Manichaeism army in array .
The glint and flash of cold steel between the shedding of blood ,Manichaeism Army soldiers are killed .relationresultManichaeism army had heart to fight, then where would dare challenge ,by Song Jun cavalry a punch ,immediately dispersed ,pathfinding ran .
Zhong Zhenxian also feel helpless ,then he makes no goods vehicles ,only with more than a soldier ,kill a tight encirclement ,fled to Huazhou .relationresult****************************** relationresultThen Guizhou city to basically dominated by Song Jun ,but the city around the fire ,outside the land into the city after following Song Jun ,Yang Yan immediately ordered the side wipe out the remnants of the Manichaean army ,while to fire ,in order to restore the .
relationresultThe song broke the city too suddenly, so the Manichaean army retreat very hasty ,many people are still in the Guizhou Town ,on what song he Ding attitude is as long as it is to lay down their arms and surrender ,basic can save lives .
Since before the song had to release captured precedent ,and the many Manichaean army have surrendered, but also no lack of Manichaean faith ,death is the end .The sporadic fighting continued ,especially in the temple ,some local resistance is also very fierce .
relationresultYang Yan and Ling Xiang ,Huang Mingxia ,Gu Xueping ,and others went to the temple before iron forest ,just listen to it have also been called kill sound came out, Yang Yan looked at the temple ,although much damaged ,but can see towering majestically ,she laughs: leave the temple repairs and palace ,bell Ziang to is really enjoy ,is not really a man .
, relationresultThey go into the temple ,there have been several fire hall ,corridor ,passageway ,full of corpses .There is a smell of Manichaeism army guarding the left side hall ,still fighting and song .
relationresultYang Yan saw it, there are fifty or sixty Manichaean Army soldiers ,each hold weapons ,leaning against a wall ,a 1.5 ring ,with hundreds of Song Jun surrounded, still showed no fear ,each expression firm ,take death calmly .
The crowd ,but there are still two tigers ,where make threatening gestures ,a ruff, ruff roar .relationresultLing Xiang looked Yang Yan, said: the bell girl in there? , relationresultYang Yan nodded ,he also saw in the crowd ,there really is a girlish form ,it is the bell Xinhuan .
Yang Yan gently sighed ,did not think of meeting with her in this situation ,meet again .relationresult Full stop . Along with Yang Yan cry ,for all live a sword ,took a few steps back ,were surprised at Yang yan .
But the automatic separation of a road ,let Yang Yan they came in .relationresultWhen Zhong Xinhuan in the crowd saw Yang Yan ,although on this occasion ,but he could not help but also a thrill .
They also separate Army soldiers came out .Two four eye ,temporarily between didn what to say .To be the two tigers ,then could recognize Yang Yanlai, no matter what they may confront each other ,swiftly went to Yang Yan does not stop on Yang Yan roving .
The two guys are Banda ,making this the pro-Ni like appearance, but also very cute .Although now armies or confront each other with daggers to hold ,but they also felt very interesting .
relationresultAfter a while, Yang Yan before: small ,Guizhou was occupied by us ,you do not run away ,don do meaningless sacrifice ,you tell them to put the weapons are let go ,I promise I won them .
, relationresultZhong Xinhuan was silent for a moment ,finally nodded ,turned to Manichaeism soldiers : don fight it, the weapons are thrown away . She will take the lead in the hands of a pair of stiletto threw on the ground, go to the side of Yang Yan stand .
Other Manichaeism soldiers gone, had to have laid down his arms ,his .relationresultYang Yan motioned for Song Jun to send them one by one to take away ,but did not want them to come to catch the clock Xinhuan .
All gone ,Yang Yancai called Gu Xueping ,and said: snow duckweed ,you take her to take to your tents ,and you to live . , relationresultGu Xueping looked at the Yang Yan ,and looked at the clock Xinhuan ,was also full of curiosity .
But she also knew that now is not the time to ask ,bell Xinhuan waved and said: you come with me . , relationresultZhong Xinhuan gently nodded ,but one look at Yang Yan ,followed Gu Xueping .
The two tigers now had been entangled in the side of Yang Yan, Yang Yan and the angry and funny ,gently kick a foot ,said: let ,free again and the two of you play . , relationresultTwo tigers toot ,toot called twice, once after the bell shin-yu .
Around the clock Xinhuan milling around ,when Gu Xueping saw the two cute little guy ,immediately bent down to ,reach out to touch the tiger .But two little guys who are not able to touch ,immediately make threatening gestures ,to Gu Xueping roar .
relationresultSeventeen Dali 6 , relationresultThis clock Xinhuan gently : don ,the sister is good ,not so tough . , relationresultAnd Zhong Xinyu commanded ,two little guys immediately to much, it allowed Gu Xueping to touch them .
Gu Xueping picked up a pair of bell ,Xinhuan said: cute little guy ,are you from those caught . , relationresultZhong Xinhuan also picked up a tiger ,said: this is Yang and I with my brother .
, relationresultGu Xueping startled,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, says: and a arthritis brother together, I never hear a arthritis brother said, tell me about it ?How do you know a arthritis brother ? , relationresultLing Xiang came to Yang Yan side ,said: Yang brother ,what are you going to do with the clock girl ? , relationresultYang Yan is also a weak smile ,shake his head and said : I don ,just take it one step at a time .
, relationresultLing Xiang also shook his head ,know Yang Yan .But he believed that Yang Yan will not harm the clock Xinhuan ,so they put down a heart to come , relationresultBut then Guizhou City sporadic resistance to subside ,and the fire was extinguished in the Song Jun ,Guizhou city has gradually returned to normal state .
Liu Fuwu also escorted a Manichaean army left the goods back to Guizhou city .The battle of Manichaean army killed nearly 10 thousand people ,captured nearly twenty thousand people ,because Manicheism army retreating hurriedly ,almost all of the goods are not shipped ,only food has sixty thousand or seventy thousand stone ,ten ,also has a number ,this trip taken Guizhou really is not a small harvest .
relationresultWhile the other front has been good news ,Cao Xun took Deqin house ,immediately ordered his troops on the west, also took volume state .Gao Zhen from the harmonious state troops ,even for the cross and Qinzhou .
This lasted more than a year ,was great in strength and impetus ,occupied almost the entire Guangxi Manichean only Yu Linzhou ,Huazhou ,in Leizhou and in Hainan ,for the Qiongzhou ,Chang ,Ji Yangjun ,Wan An Jun seven place .
relationresultTwo people have come to Guizhou ,see Yang Yan is very happy ,cheap dr dre beats,this time two people alone for the first time leader in combat ,but the task is finished very well ,but the relatively high shock thinking carefully ,also want to have more comprehensive, this attack Yong ,to the command of rhythmical ,Beats by Dre Just Beats,in the club .
And although Cao Xun careless ,but the action is better than the high earthquake flexible ,this time from the marine troops ,according to actual situation change of operational plan ,to be suitable for strain .
relationresultBut the current fight song at this stage ,expansion too fast ,also gradually appear some resources are overstretched ,military and some can not support ,but this time, always Related articles:

