
Beats Detox nfluential in the

Kitchen puncture ,Pentium blood ejected from chest median sternotomy wounds ,suddenly red bed sheets ,the beautiful big eyes full of wonder and not the letter, she wants to talk or shout ,can be cut too heavy, she can barely breathing .
relationresultCompletion of the attackto yaxi .It was like a small thing like genuine .relationresultShe walkedbeside the fireplace .Pick up a firewood burning .Then slowly lit all the curtains .
Then put the torch away elf bed .Injuries to Lillian eyes from panic to light .Flame spread in his side .relationresultFinishall the yaxi .Fit into the burning most exuberant curtains .
Enveloping body becomes a flame .relationresultThisstrange event was not acceptable to the lillian .She doesn know how to do? Don know what this is all about .Just know that your life is gradually away from .
relationresultInbed Shangdi flame is about to wrap Lillian time ;beautiful elf known from a force .To bed down to .She .But she don own stomach in children also died .relationresultBut.
Elf has just completed sideways movements .She had no strength to do more .relationresultBut this time,flame diffuse bedroom suddenly out of a shadow ,the shadow around the flame to burn completely ignored ,slowly toward the soon to be flame around elf .
relationresultThe next day,the security forces headquarters .relationresultBlue Dayton,Xiulisi .Bits of the security forces to length ,from last night here .relationresultNow,his presence was standing ,is the high-grade city security forces responsible person .
relationresultBigchief was the northern army senior officers, due to injuries and retired ,due to their family is rich ,so he was re-appointed by the police chief .relationresultYou are an idiot ,you know? Idiot.
Waste ,even put hundreds of dogs at that ,they also won let that happen ,Beats Detox.Do you know the fire burned the house is whose ?How dare you let the Empire valiant warrior ,in front of their time ;his wife and house is burning in a fire .
You know what that means ?relationresultYou this group ofgarbage ,garbage ,if in the armed forces ,all of you must commit suicide in under the flag ..relationresult....You this group of waste , relationresultIn the face ofa long diatribe ,nobody dares excuse ,in fact they are not qualified to interface .
In the late last night : di * * the most fashionable ,independent destroyed control dragon crystal ,kill the warrior holder of the dream ,captured two of the most beautiful ten ,had just captured Fort Wellington ,mixed , relationresultSoldiershead ,black Sergeant BOT on fire ,no one knows the original and the fire burned for most of the night ,which no one can escape .
relationresultWhilerescue workers rushed in after .In the master bedroom found only two burn flourishing wreckage .relationresultThe firsttime ,military and imperial envoy intervened in the investigation ,the emperor personally awarded under the edict :within three days to give reasons ,but no matter what caused the fire ,is responsible for the high-grade city security chief must commit suicide !relationresultBlue Daytonwas sitting in a chair ,with a hand on the forehead and asked : you idiot ,does not the Dragon Sergeant sites arranged around the guard ? , relationresultOf course arrangement ,but they found that the fire was finished, is said to be the master bedroom first burn .
... , relationresultre notin the house decorate personnel face ?... , relationresultDesign ,but they also do not found ,the rule of the house is very strict, these personnel must also comply with the relevant provisions of the sample and the servant .
.. , relationresultShut up ,you are away ?You idiot ,you know that burned woman is who ?You know her man for Empire captured many city ?You trash, if I am confused Corps soldier ,the first time I will put you in this company responsibilities are as good guy to shreds .
relationresultHave a lookhave done? So many enemies make every attempt to damage the Empire powerful warriors without success .But because of your negligence ,dragon Sergeant lost his wife .
relationresultLarswill not forgive your mistakes . , relationresultDaywas sergeant mansion .relationresultLeositting quietly in front of the desk, his eyes .Xi Yajia. , relationresultTheEmpire important minister ,Minister of church army ,was quite low ,good even to light openings : ,I don ,I had sent elite bodyguard in the BOT ,but that is the result of ice queen .
..Oh, no,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, is the ice queen, arrives in the date, so the guards ,Artist Series,night I was sent to the State Guesthouse ,but who knows to get the flames ...relationresult...relationresultAccording to the Convention;should be our headquarters to issue notice of BOT relatives died ,but ,now I don know that he should not have to inform .
..The latest reports :your this disciple ,rather you in style ,he was on the battlefield by the hand of bizarre ,and forehead also ignited the flames of Yongsheng .relationresultWellingtongates he opened the ,in the ,he also killed ,four order Druid in nature .
relationresultPlusago ;he is very influential in the * * of emperor .As long as it is now Munro soldiers ,must know :Dragon sergeant of the name .relationresultThere are a lot ofsoldiers think that he is the son of pull ielts .
You know that such names as long as Bonage adults appeared ,and his appearance ....Sir, he didn burn the throne heir ..... , relationresultWell, taal .Don think, BOT really good difficult to believe ,but .
.....Hark back to the subject ,the copy of the notice of Bott Lillian file ,you can delay again ,and the news will try to secrecy ,don know this news in battle ,he is young, will suffer great damage .
relationresultHereturned to the time .Is someone because you delayed notification asked you, you let him come to me ,I am bot teacher I have this right ....relationresultFor asoldier ;there is nothing more than a loved one more miserable .
In this time he won ,this central figure is not what is wrong ...... , relationresultMunroImperial Hotel , relationresultThemagnificent palace ,although there is no change in the appearance ,but inside the personnel have all changed a batch ,all of the guards have become elite Naga warriors, they all wrapped in rhomboid scales ,the ice blue .
And a woman are different, they have no a little like a human place, large head is triangular ,more like a snake ,it should be with the ear, was completely replaced by white bone fins .
relationresultTheirstrong hand colored huge machete and Trident ,it is worth mentioning :Naga weapon of all is Munro ,you can in the sea fire refining weapon .relationresultThe lower part of the bodyand the upper body is basically the same as wide ,even slightly wider more ,covered with ice blue scales have many small left type barb .
relationresultNagawarriors ~ condition ,is not wearing any armor ,their scales and ice control is the best armor ,however ,today in the Munro guesthouse in Naga warriors are dressed in the uniform of the chain armor .
Which is printed with ice consists of the islands ,they are ice queen guard ;Naga Ace Combat collective : Iceland warriors .( to be continued ,such as for his funeral, please visit
www**com ,section more ,support author ,support the genuine reading !) , relationresultThe firstrelationresultThe two volume of the one hundred and forty-nine chapter , relationresultIcequeen ,the Related articles:

