
cnn -bye Probably respon

More hate, not from must stretch out a hand, 1 of "Pa", gave oneself a layer after layer palm.
The Yuan son eats a surprised, quickly stretch hand obstruct his birdbrain from destroy, shout a way in:"Die an elder brother, you, you don't so, I know that you have real intentions.Otherwise, otherwise we just have already escaped ……"
The man listens to one Lin in heart is more suffered, small girl incredibly for the sake of own safety, abandonned just and seldom an opportunity to flee for life, immediately a burst of sob in the larynx, doing not know should say what like:"Yuan son …… in fine, in fine, elder brother's I am sorry you ……"
Listen to this words, two go pure tears not and feel then slippery from that always doesn't know the little girl's son eyes that worries taste descend, she the Ying Ning is a , fiercely rush toward into a stone is not in the language bosom, loudly sob.
"Do not cry!Don't cry!"Not the stone language taps her vest, is also a burst of and mournful in the eye, hurriedly don't be overdo to go, make people not see they this vice- child female of Tai.
"Two elder brothers!"Then at this time, don't know interesting Xu Shi to spin very much from the distance and urgently rush since then, shout a way in:"Under the ascent, Yang Lin Shen indicates to want with you a to see."

The text chapter 100 all the way to east
Renew time:2010-7-129:55:09 chapter word numbers:3425

It is distressed to hope before fixing attention on all over the face, wrath dispersed military dress the old, stone not the language hesitate for a long time and finally and lightly pull Ma Jiang, come forward several steps and in a soft voice shout a way:"The king of the father ……"
"Hum!"Yang Lin Shuang eyes dynasty sky, point voice arch hand way:"You do me too much honor, old man He De He ability, dare to have progeny like this?"
Not the stone language sighed tone and hoped Li Mi of eye another side and jumped down a horse and went to go forward, Yang Lin Shen side several bodyguards ate a surprised, together and together surge forward to come, but be lightly waved hand by Yang Lin, signal hint to stay back.
Went several steps, stone not language Zheng a short moment, suddenly of double the knee is one song, kneel to pour before Yang Lin Ma:"The child knows oneself capital crime and allows father treatment king, hopes father the king can put those brothers is one horse."
He this with one action moves really too quick, arrive at this time, another part of go a strong etc. talented person to respond to come over, immediately shout a way in succession:"Die brothers, kneel him to do what!I waited to would be to put together this life don't……"
Listens to Shua of a , Yang Lin has already drawn out benefit sword, is at the stone not language neck up, scold a way in:"You held Yuan son, deceit don't I dare to start?"
"The child doesn't dare!As long as I these brotherses safely get away, Yuan son inevitable peace.As for child, but don't dare to succeed in escaping, free to father king handle!"
"This is still called not to dare!"Yang Lin is great anger, benefit sword in hand not from tight get a tight, row an a blood scar while ascending, stone not the language move also motionless, is just that the Zheng wear a pair of eyes to have no an idea of stepping back towards seeing, with him.
Lead for a long time, Yang Lin draws a deep sigh and lays up benefit sword to sigh a way:"Just, this matter then depends on you!I draw back troops 300 insides, don't chase.You soon and soon put Yuan son!"
"Thank father king to help."Not the stone language is lowered the head and heavily kowtows and immediately starts to leave.
"Wait a minute!"Then at this time, listens to after death one fierce to shout, Yang Lin comes forward two, rise one sword, mow on red tunic of AN a cake of!
"Your my 2 people has no the feeling of father and son again since today.I in a few days and then will rise in revolt to send punitive expedition Er etc. Pan thief, you well from is it!"
Stone not language silently a long time, weigh and kneel down a body, layer after layer Ke three:"The king of the father, the child isn't filial, hope you to keep intact Long Ti, guard against …… that person in the north ……"
Probably is throw rat to hate a machine of helpless, probably because believe this ever the personal character of adopted son, after 2 people distinguished soon, below the hills of Chu's soldier have already slowly struck camp and step back 30 backward in.As for side in"Pan thief", proceed from to the stone not the trust of the language, also don't hestitate of release is kept under house arrest of Yuan princess.Can say, both parties thus the generous action , on the "kidnap" history over several thousand years, be rated as unprecedented, after have no the future.
Proceed from the compunction in the heart, stone not the language have never kissed to send off Yuan son, but from be exposed Mo Chou of true identity to deal with it.However, be that as it may, the man who feel lost still halts a horse at the soil ascent on, hope that far away far go to of figure, silent say good-bye.Probably respond the absolute being in the as in to know, Yi Li but go to of the Yuan princess don't live of the facing here look beyond, in the audience that doesn't understand detail's eyes, not the elephant is successfully given relief to of hostage, pouring the elephant is a resistance bottom to be forced at home disjunctive lover ……
A short moment tidied up a mood after of public together together last horse, the acceleration keeps off the ground of this right and wrong.On the way gradual reposition of redundant personnel, many heros temporarily say good-bye but go, return to mountain Zhai to tidy up person, Ma Liang Cao, , immediately remit to match toward Lu state again, list two one by one embrace each other to say good-bye with them, Chien simple list of, not bothersome.In fact, they also have no how many times can waste, if Yang Lin talk true, don't eliminate January, the imperial government then will rise battalion to go on expedition and change a words to say and stay to public recruit a soldier to collect a horse and create time of purchasing the arms, leaves this very short on the 30th.
Run about wildly all the way in, Mo Chou slowly man near the complexion melancholy, light tone way:"The Yuan princess wants me to take a words to you ……"
Not the stone language sighed tone and a little bit decelerated speed:"You say!"
"She says ……" Mo Chou Dun, meaningful way, "is on the first an elder brother, is the whole life an elder brother!"
"Is so?"Stone not once the language body flap and far away hope the setting sun of afar and silently have no language.Led for a long time, he suddenly of the heroism living and give a long whistle a , on clipping legs, the plan horse runs about wildly but goes to.
Many heros see of startled, a short moment after, knowing in succession on smiling, together and together accelerate to dash about.Several backs of towering figures, leave is billowing interest not of the yellow dust is with open laughter ……
"The duke will mutually and how could it be grow, see my generation and clamor to flick Tu to reply a vulgar dust!"
Have no words all the way, public rob at big Chu's Xi of before text arrived two wise Chuangs.List 21 noodles life the person dig to take Wang Gang, a side starts to bear arms several hundred domestics in Chuang, and then issues to call a neighborhood the arrows to ring bandit horse, of the first, then gather the miscellaneous soldier of about 1000 people, immediately take the offensive a state mansion.The Lu state officialdom has no to take precautions against under, the bed sheet second class person easily breaks city gate and kills into mansion Ya all the way and chopped down to die that declares knowing of"dig the earth 3 Chinese feet" state, only 500 aged and weakses guard soldier's whole amount to surrender in the city.Xu Shi Ji immediately delivers a placard to restore peace to people, and then opens food Cang to give relief to common people and conveniently collects a new soldier and exerts several hundred blacksmiths in the Zhao city more, all through the night don't stop to produce weapon.
Is also do obeisance to widely have no way grant, it has been few years since Lu state masses of people lingered on, lacks leads the way of person.Smell singlely now two ascend Gao Yi Hu, immediately should swarm about, those who have no one to turn to joins the army to render service in succession,cnn.List two troopses have already had 341000 people the horse and plus all bandits while waiting until all alliance brotherses to burn mountain Zhai to lead subordinate to gather Lu state and have already led half ten thousand of number.There are also many easts together refugee smelling in fact the Lu state have a food to distribute, just and continuously to here flow out, if isn't that the weapon isn't enough, weaves into tens of thousands troops, also an easy to accomplish matter.
After, the third's the whole soldier completes of is more public than to gather in the mansion Ya, discuss a next move of activity.Stone not language for these military strategy one silk don't understand and have to silent sit to therein watch those of you here brothers of exertion.However, be that as it may, very and superficially march knowledge to see at him, these ring the horse Be from of will get put forward of lovely views-for example"counterattack ascend state and kill a great interest", pouring the elephant is staff's accomplishment of previous incarnation, mostly belong to useless face engineering.
And public in, unique know to march to fight a war of, perhaps also only have Qin Mu, Luo Qiong and Wang Bo be and 4 Xu Shi Ji.Therefore, after hearing the so-called suggestion of a short moment, these four leaders finally endure to can not bear and raised hand to obstruct the cloud-castle of having no the meaning.
"Each brothers, my etc. now though booming, but the crisis is four Fus."Qin Mu's station is started and draws back a map way:"The Lu state north has a town to fondle to make Li Dao believe in, next 3,000 fire Xi soldier, very is get;The west has already settled south the stanza degree make Luo private believe, leading 10,000 can used to advertise for the son Lang of war;As for south noodles, then just ate us Tang Bi of the big Kui, in fact although the dint was the weakest,the back had the powerful supporter Wang Yang Lin's on the side.If these three parties agree on to wait aggression to me together ……"
Smell this time lecture, front a moment still excited must imitate a Buddha to marry several general heros of beautiful wife, at under a moment, then like discover a wife is an artificial beauty general, upset must have no to compare by Lun.Led for a long time, a little bit slow lead absolute being come of together the country far sound out sex of ask a way:"So, I wait isn't beyond hope Related articles:

