
cheap beats by dre child wrinkly tight

Which have ever seen?What devil does thoughting of here is to visit to record a world most , want again to visit to record an inside most to is it the fire red that grow hair?I immediately and suddenly realize call a way:"You are a red child!How are you closed here?Your father isn't a big devil cow devil king?"
Hear the identity that I call to break him him don't deny as well, just looking at me to close lightly purse one's lips lips to lightly say:"Because he is my father so I am just closed here, the castellan here is still a devil of birdbrain, not only wants to rebel a father, unexpectedly wants to coerce a father with me, be really recklessly and blindly do."
The red child says to turn a head to looking at me to say:"Don't save a person?Leave with me, I came to lead to several times still acquaint with on the whole with the father before here."
"I with what believe you?If is a trap?"Beautiful breeze's lookinging at be full of hostility in his eyes and saw to him now already hate all devils last.
I clap to be like a hedgehog at this time the beautiful breeze advise Wei's saying:"Do not be emotional, save a person important, I believe him.If stand at this time at at present is an another devil, I will be similar to you to doubt that this is a trap, but he is a red child, I believe he even if want to will be an open affair of honor to use scheming to our disadvantage, is he the person whom I like very much!"
Hear I say so, unexpectedly start to float a to put on on the red child very cool face red and dizzy, immediately once twisted a face to greatly tread into direction in the doorway to walk.
Dungeon he cautiously recognizes a direction to just say to us:"Walk from the right side, should keep the bathroom that shoots a heart demon there."
Looking at I don't understand of look in the eyes, the red child is thin the flash across in eye settling is one silk commiseration, the beautiful breeze seems to thought of what face up immediately was full of a terrified facial expression, immediately the passage of facing the right side runs about wildly and go, see that for an instant he is several near crary facial expressions, a terrible of conceive to appear in my brain, I also can not consider of what go in secret, also the passage of facing the right side rushes but go.
BE doing not know when become to rush in the passage of getting empty the Ji, I saying of wrinkly tight eyebrows worry in uncertainty:""Is strange, clearly just canned also see a lot of devils of, now how a devil also see be missing."
Run at I the nearby red child calms down of say:"I want to shoot the business that the heart demon should have already known that you intrude into, so would recruit all subordinates to return to prepare to kill us in my Zu."
"Since want Zu to kill why do we want to recruit subordinate once?"
"Because ……"
The red child hasn't waited and finished saying, a group of devils have already held various weapon appears in our in fronts, just pull out the red child to the knife have already called a way:"Please don't hurt them, all of them are my subordinates."
Clap a devil that attackstones me dizzy with the back of knife, I toward the red child being just courageously fighting with oneself's subordinate to call a way:"Not is say to is your subordinate?How to still assault us?"
"They all have already been shot a heart demon to control and hurt we aren't their original meaning, this is to shoot a heart demon ownly keep belonging to the reason that the subordinate recruits a time, wait you and my subordinate beat nobody wins, his subordinate will appear to with one action exterminate us."
The red child side says that the side beats, the boxing feet are equal severe, basically nobody can near body, just don't want to hurt the subordinate that oneself is controled, so fight unavoidably and fold hands a bunch of feet already to start being placed in a leeway gradually.
Have much of good will to the red child, so don't think severely wounded his subordinate as well, looking at in the moment and attackstone us in order to count numerous devils, I just thinking use water escapes they all hurtle to run, but the huge turnip plant suddenly break through the wall, ground is from the all directions appear tightly tie up to round those be controled the devil of mind to make them move not get.
"The sting of those plants has the function that paralyze the nerve, so go, leave!"
The beautiful breeze says to don't do any passage that stop over in front of the facing continues to quickly rush, I and red child to see surprise in the eyes that sees an eyes all from the other party, the red child will peep out that kind of facial expression probably because the beautiful breeze performance comes out of strong strength, but I but is shocked because he is looked like to the ability of hiding the horse, the true body of beautiful breeze should can't be demon fox?
Seeing the beautiful breeze has been already far runs, I and the red child also have no to do to stop over to catch up the whereabouts that he continues to search beautiful clansmen more, just don't run how long four huge doors hold up our to the road.Looking at greatly excrescent wood door in at present Gao, I turn a head to say to the red child:"Actually which door just lead to a correct direction?"
The red child wrinkly tight eyebrows looking at four at present the huge door say:"Last time I come of time had never seen to get to so many doors, this was very likely the space that shoot a heart demon to do at the time, purpose for separating us then one by one the shot broke, if is that so words, these four door's ends the different roads lead to the same goal will lead to the same direction, we separate also unmeaningful.But another may be only a door is a correct thoroughfare among them, words like that, if we not and separately look for time of cost will be a lot of, I am worried that the meeting is too late."
"What door not door of, I ruin here and see still have what can block live me?"
The beautiful breeze says to have already started invoking a plant, oddness of is the plant that invokes this time is unexpectedly just a few very and thin and weak turnip, completely have never killed to harm dint.
"Is damned, must be they again the use can suppress the absolute being machine of our strength, rascal, I absolutely can't pass him."
The one punch that sees beautiful breeze concussion hits in the wall, the red child wrinkly tight eyebrows says:"The absolute being machine said by you should combining not only is the strength that suppresses you, my own bewitching dint also suddenly appear the circumstance for weakening, no wonder that shoot a heart demon to dare to resist a father, indeed as expected have to depend on with."
Hear the words of red child, I right away fish for my own strength and discover own ability to unexpectedly have already been weakened greater half as well, already even use the degree of the cent Shu of shadow can not reach and see to that so-called absolute being machine even the mankind's strength can repress, situation true of equal of trouble.
Fight for time still guarantee safety,cheap beats by dre?Now can two choose a, however I know that the beautiful breeze definitely chooses front 1 kind.
Indeed as expected he takes out severals the seed of the plant to pass to say for us:"Have no how many times, can choose the fastest way just now, after finding out everyone as long as knead ground seed me will know your positions."
The beautiful breeze says to have already made selection a door dashes into and looking at the beautiful breeze disappears at darkly in, I turn a head to see to toward hand take a seed, is full of on the face childish manner still not equal to I Gao of the red child says:"Continuing to follow us will be very dangerous, you in fact can need not ……"
Haven't waited to finish saying, the red child has already made selection the door of the left side to run into and looking at him obstinate figure, I am breathed to sigh tone, immediately say to the white Yan that has been lying prone on my shoulder:"You walk the right side, that door, can't beat don't dozen, remember to develop speed advantage, must be more careful."
I say to have already run into the red child with the door of beautiful breeze middle hurtles into limitless blackness in, that for an instant my unexpectedly and uncannily appear a to protect in brains small strong go to falsely the night temple rescue the lens of well.
Before have been seeing not and up they chose to separate headway before so several public appearances, thought that that is the ecliptic 12 temples?Is really a group of idiots, wait be broken noodles to defeat in detail, team spirit, don't know what call team spirit?
I am really to confuse thus, don't know at that time they why must separate, fight together not good?I finally understood the reason that they will do like this now, that kind of anxiously want to rescue the friend's mood me really have been already comprehended.
After I hurtle into that dark room, after death of front door immediately close whole, also immediately shine inside the house, spacious of space, be suitable for to fight very much, in the moment what to see is up to 100 take every kind of devil of weapon, looking at them as different as chalk and cheese cruelty vision with previous those devil that are controled, I know that they are the to so-calledly shoots a heart demon of keep belonging to subordinate, don't also say more useless talk with them, I right away flick knife to use back of knife to chop down one by one the devil in the moment assaulting me dizzy, soon rush out that Related articles:

