
cheap beats by dre unique color beauty

Water of the noodles absorbed air, these water beads in the sky were like an each grain to break linear pearl to spread to drop down, had a liking for the whole individuals was all surrounded by water.
From the public baths after coming out of Lin Dong feel free of mind and happy of heart, this of take a shower be like at Mt. Heaven the upper stream concussed 1 turn, he who round bath towel sits on the sofa and Be watching television and waiting for Edward?The Salsa princess' arrival.
Can say that Europe is really the heaven of tour, from charming scenery to tasty delicacies, none place the guest who doesn't draw on afar and come sightseeing, being a blamed television of unique slight imperfection, the Yao is an endless advertisement, the Yao is to let people can not but carry on and forget**slice.In this time, Lin Dong has been being just missing whether he or she should watch television and see an advertisement very have no interesting, as for see**slice seem not good, after all a short while Edward?The princess of the Salsa came over, if the flame of sexual desire Fen seeing the words of that one personality cute young girl under the circumstance of body, the ghost knows to will take place what affair.
In fact, Lin Dong and Edward?The Salsa princess' in the mind noodles all reserved precious space for the other party, the relation of 2 people's was like the 1 F window Ling paper, as long as slightly one Tong broke.Just he has been being inhibitting that eager for action emotion, don't want to break out in this time, after all this in the center still acrosses the Vatican, be still from second especially after orchid Di Si come back more suitable, otherwise will have a forever in fine threadsly not quick at in.
The time in Lin Dong's entertain foolish ideas, the door bell rang, does he know to is Edward?The Salsa princess came, hence quickly open the door.
Edward in purple full dress?The Salsa princess stands on the doorway and has a liking for to is like a peacock that will soon open to hold, she smiles the ground of Ying Ying to looking at Lin dong, that tender feelings the aqueous vision was very quick and then discovered the secret of bath towel underneath.This noble place son abashed have his face raddens all over, light tone the ground say:"Are you to isn't a dry bad matter in the room, otherwise how can pitch Gao Gao's tent?"
Lin Dong a while pair of Edward?The Salsa princess embraced in the bosom, the big hand Wan lived to take a to hold the willow of surplus small pretty the light tone ground say after the waist:"See you the unique color beauty that makes whole European men all become mad, I certainly had to respond most as usual, if is still like similar at 6:30, that not is became great irony.BE prove the not enough fire of your shape doesn't have attraction and still prove that I didn't conquer Europa capital?"
In this time Salsa princess strain of desperately, abashed have his face raddens all over of she lies prone face at Lin Dong's shoulder up, light tone the ground say:"You are a sex maniac, want to humiliate a somebody else, also find out to so lend more, really have color heart to have no color Dan.I can warn you, if you dare to pay an activity, must be responsible for me, and want to face making track for of whole European youthses to kill, were it not for so the words of in the mind preparation, had better stop activity, don't blindly come to conquer me this high mountain."
While making reference to conquer me this high mountain, Edward?The Salsa princess has intention to not intentional ground of mountain peak used with one climax following another to dawdle Lin Dong that generous of chest, superficially have a liking for to is warning, but actually is an encouragement for the person's felling, is a temptation.
Lin Dong's left hand embraced the legs of Salsa, the right hand is from the armpit encircle in the past, lightly embraced this sexy charming big beauty on making an effort, he said with a smile:"I was already 12:00 now, the small steel cannon was eager for action, need not you lure, it has already proven its own viewpoint as well."
Though there is an irritable joss-stick kissing, have already alluringly been full of to tie up Mian, but Lin Dong still kept choosing to overcome in the last moment, he didn't want to disobey he's principle, hope the most beautiful well stay at oneself from second especially after orchid Di Si come back.
"The princess of the Salsa, we need dispassion, isn't to talk the time of men and women's feelings now, still say the Vatican there of circumstance."In this time, Lin Dong attempts to pass to transfer a topic, scatter own attention.
Edward?The Salsa princess sits on Lin Dong's thigh, the hands embrace his neck to say:"Even if want the most beautiful well stay till the last and every moment, I would not like to make you be subjected to an injustice, either, in this time, I would like to make you get the biggest to satisfy with another method, just hope you not important business after say that I dissolute too much."
"So, so whether too."Lin Dong didn't know what just like, because of in this time Edward,cheap beats by dre?Salsa princess already think slowly from his chest beginning descend kiss, act very crude.
Wait everythings all after falling calm, Edward?The Salsa princess' small bird depends on a person sort ground nestle at Lin Dong of embrace in, she the light tone ground say:"Is dear, you can't abandon I just of action?"
"How can?Between the lover that is to contend for again however affair, do I like still too late?How can abandon again?"Lin Dong slightly dauts the curl hair of Salsa, he the light tone ground say:"Whether the affair that I make you do fixed, I tomorrow will leave Rome black forest, distance go to second especially orchid Di Si of time is more and more near, really can not delay any more to postpone."
"The affair that you order I certainly did accordingly.Pope's adult would like to lend his own gold the cross to you, that is several a hundred years ago of nine a life time Pope stayed of saint thing, up had super strong saint dint, power endless, dealt with those dark black living creatures to have no problem, you musted return after using up, otherwise bother big."
Lin Dong smiles happily ground to say:"I am uninterested the saint thing of the Vatican, only is at for the sake of from second especially the orchid Di Si whole body but back!Certainly returned thing to owner intact after once using, said again back to stay nearby can have what use at me?To, Salsa, you say the saint knight's circumstance for me."
"Is dear, you how concern saint knight?"Edward?The Salsa princess doesn't know Lin Dong actually is what mean, hence looking at him with the suspicious vision.
"In fact also have no what, just want to probably understand for a while, always all just hear to be passed to 12 saint knights' legends, as for they is what appearance of never knew, so think at you here understand 1:00."
Edward?The Salsa princess says with a smile:"In fact concerning 12 saint knights of affair I know of also have no how much, estimate and you about, really must think that the words that understand can ask my father.I probably say for a while here, the saint knight has been already existed at the basinet time, is the warrior who absolutely is loyal to the Vatican to constitute, they have super strong fighting strength, generally all hereditary, the peacetime doesn't appear in the Vatican, just is receiving the time of task would act.This time the Vatican is to want that asking for help from is second the orchid Di Si affairs rounds up all at one fells swoop especially dark black living creature, so just will 12 saint knight such as number recall.Those 12 guys I know and have among them 45 still is pursuing me, only I have no worthy of a look!Does wanting don't introduce to know for you?"
"You say saint to me knight Long expects much good?"In this time, Lin Dong decides to go straight to topic and since have already spoken of 12 saint knight, that also has no necessity to cover up.
"If the Long expects mostly 12 saint knight's middleman good luck is the best, a gentle and cultivated gentleman, have public appeal very much, as for fighting strength can line up at win visit, it has been 45 years since he pursued me, if not that having you this sex maniac Duo pressing offensive of Duo, perhaps I will promise his and pursue."
In this time, Lin Dong knew the Long expects mostly an extremely hypocritical guy and see to he seek he should with Edward?The princess of Salsa is relevant to fasten, after all everyone is definitely a rival in love, launch a rightness is at normal however of affair.
"If the Salsa, you say, if I and saint knight to definitely, cure of success have much big."
"12 saint knight in ex- the placings three affirmation than you severe, your real strenght should with Long expect many match equally, see rightness definitely is what circumstance descend."
Lin Dong in mind has been already composed now, he says with a smile:"Did not suggest these disagreeable feeling, walked, Related articles:

