
cheap beats by dre a battle cry distur

Does the person hear!
The common saying says that being afraid of includes what, is thinking in his heart how to succeed in escaping, on being after death ringing out the young voice, "you is what person, how haven't I seen you?"Greatly be good enough to let the owners in the whole warehouse all listen to of arrive.
Gold Hui the dark way Be getting over!The target exposes, that begins.
He after make this decision feels he heart right away in a burst of easy, probably also don't dare to make sure the circumstance that oneself can solve these people, but see to just begin now, in addition to having a little pretty dint, their these people should have no difficult deal with.
This person's a battle cry disturbed all persons in the warehouses.This is extraordinary period, originally couldn't appear this kind of negligence of, can because three Kuis and fighting of clerk draw on everyone's attention, it lets the gold Hui mix to come in.
"What are you a stem?Don't you know that this is the important precincts that Qian cloud helps?"Three Kuis take to have three cents to the gold Hui that hastily appears watch out for of ask a way.
The gold Hui smiled and looking at one steady heavy, don't frightened more panic iron old, dark way, this old's being seen is the person of the battle after big.Inwardly deliberate several individuals reaction in his heart, but one openings, these people who help to Qian cloud come to say, is a world-shaking news, "see you quarrel like this, when is over, I have way solution your affairs."
Three Kuis and clerk almost call a way at the same time:"You calculate what things, this place return the round don't arrive you to come to talk!"
Gold Hui suddenly double the eyes are cold light one Shan, imitate the small light of Buddha two brightnesses, shine on on 2 people's face, 2 people feel his/her own heart in on taking back vision falsely, lower the head.

The text chapter 6 cleans up leftover evil(up)
Renew time:2009-10-2017:05:24 chapter word numbers:6279

This time, the way of someone small voice:"The gold Hui that this isn't jewelry in the morning sun island to go?"Three Kuis and clerk also heard this voice, not from must cautiously took a look, the definite jewelry goes of gold Hui.
His 2 people is really huge at hearts earthquakes, this gold Hui appears at this time, whether have what plan, they all more or less heard some information, although don't know to is to is really a leave, can what other people said have a nose and contain eye, also no wonder that they thus think.
The gold Hui ignores their reactions, to three Kui reprimanding angrily to of 2 people didn't also put in the mind and walked over there, nearby of the big fellows certainly once experienced his artistic skill, therefore all on one's own initiative let to him a road, he arrived iron old of before the body, a Yi exactly, polite have the way to add:"The jewelry went gold Hui to once see iron old!"
Iron the old air is constant, who don't know as well what what he thought is, voice mild way:"You understanding worthless old man?"
The gold Hui shook to shake head very honestly, self-confidence but haven't to lack a polite way:"The saying to iron is old to don't believe, I this sees iron old for the first time, can iron is old to not think that our understanding will have a help to the life of cold mountain wharf?"
Iron once the old eyelid lift, Shan in eye now 1 wisp out of accordance with its identity of cold light, the voice slightly has been already heated up, way:"Does the small brothers have to teach me?"
The gold Hui knows this time that the affair arrived the time of key, can smoothly of is taken down this place, see on the very big composition of is this iron old facial expression, think come, the words had him, the affair should be good friends with to do much, his prestige very Gao!Thought of this, he was calm more than own emotion, voice not and urgently and not and slowly of way:"Believe the old and each brothers of iron has understand to my jewelry line, the real strenght going to our jewelry also understands in the heart, elephant I artistic skill like this, go in the jewelry is also in first-class, more be not saying others, there are also our lords in the island, believe that everyone hasn't experienced our lord in the island to make moves, however, I can promise, at Su Hang, none of anyones is the enemy of lord in the island!"
Is naturally understand in his heart, what current cold mountain wharf want be not what justice or not of the strength is a powerful supporter, probably in the their eyes, the jewelry goes too small, but his use of the gold Hui is circumstance introduction that the jewelry go to them.
The iron old air resumed again original mild, way:"Boy, if your jewelry goes only this ability, so I advise you still don't Chan and come in of good, our these people is all big old thick, only two affairs in eye, one is safety, regardless is in the water or have to promise on the coast safe;The another is money, rich what matter all do, originally we are the under charges that Qian cloud helps, now cloud of the Qian helps not replied to exist, hereafter no matter who come to manage us, eat us, the key wants to promise our requests, otherwise, we also not is have no strength!"
Gold Hui Leng Leng, give or get an electric shock to turn in the heart, way:"Iron is old still not understand?This a few solution with all not difficult problem!"
The iron old corner of mouth starts to be suffused with sneer, way:"Young man, you thought too in brief and told me, if the others controled the hair of goods to carry, we have no goods, there is no ship, how do?"
Gold Hui suddenly, this problem his pouring really don't thought of, once the brains turn, a Yin is malicious, the smiling face doing with malice exposed out, way:"This you don't want to worry and is after we cooperate, you will discover, the whole Su Hang, can have a ship to use, can deliver goods punctually, will have our family,cheap beats by dre!"
Iron is old with three Kui 2 people saw his smiling face, in the heart with no reason of one Chu, dark way, this guy can't want to dominate Su Hang!The afraid of Hang native of the place of Su can't promise, can Qin Ling's person sit on the sideline to ignore?
The gold Hui accepts several individuals reaction to the utmost eye bottom, dark Cun in heart, don't blame me to say ugly words fore noodles, when the time comes what not good affair, you don't promise to blame me to make moves not to show consideration!
Thought of this problem really already in the iron old heart, this guy is very obvious in the demonstration, if oneself waits a person not to promise, result meeting can't elephant is his those people in similar?He doesn't dare to take so many people's life play trick and coughed 2 and drew the attention of gold Hui, the voice has a little a helpless way:"Can we measure by company for a while?"
Clerk harsh voice way:"Iron is old, we can not promise them and help persons like lord,etc it is said that was killed by them!"
Once his words sound fall, discover that the atmosphere has a little uncanny, what everyone made no noise sees him, and then sees gold Hui, can imagine heart in of anxious and fearful.Being as solid as a rock iron is old, the facial expression all has a little different.
In the heart of gold Hui also Gao feel have a little not and quickly, can he knows that now had better come to to them misty concept.Since deny is oneself et al BE, also don't deny, give them unfathomable, make them suspicious also good.He is tiny tiny on smiling, way:"Is to isn't what we do, believe in river's lake from have public opinion, not is we said to calculate, also not is you ability absolute, is be not?"
Iron is old, listenned to his words all a little bit doubt, whether really isn't what they do, can Su have already spread in the Hang city Be getting more crazy, the said nose is a nose, eye eye of, no one believes to isn't what they do.Because there is this ability at Su Hang of, only have them and Qin Ling, but how all is not likely to be Qin Ling's noble family, if Qin Ling's noble family wants to do so, believing can't wait until this time!
Three Kuis and clerk don't already puzzle in the heart more, 2 people see one eye each other, still the clerk appears publicly, way:"We believe that the fighting skill that the jewelry goes can protect us, can you know how to support our benefitses on the course of river?"Say, the sneer of corner of mouth stabs an eye very much.
On sinking, the facial expression of gold Hui's way:"This problem's afraiding not is us jewelry line want to solve of!As long as you come to a decision to join our bottom in jewelry line now and believe that you would be very quickly understood us to have this ability!"Say, once the his list hand flick and depend him very near big fellow suddenly body 12 stumble, retreated several steps, the facial expression is red and red, the temples Cape sees sweat.
Three Kuis waiting a person is greatly shocked, the fighting skill of this gold Hui unexpectedly arrived to harm a person in invisible of ground, although themselves there is no high strong fighting skill, can whole day come and go in the lake at the river and certainly still have a little ability to make judgment.
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