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The bear eldest brother doesn't dare to neglect and immediately presents arms gunning.
The gun voice rings out, Chen Hai Ping is soft to fall on the ground, seeing of his despair love wife is one eye, but even end of a words all could not say.
"The sea is even-" Chen Qi tores calling of heart crack lung 1 and struggles tuo departure person's control and quickly rushes toward nearby, Chen Hai Ping embraces him that skull that has already canned not lift up any further, the sky crying faints a ground of dark.
The black bear eldest brother is at the heart cant not bear to, sighed a time overdo go, listens to a burst of cotton broken up of voice ring out, immediately after is a woman's subconscious of stuffy hum, thou wood one Lang is this person's residue, unexpectedly at depart from this life of husband's in front, crafty ren wife.
Tea bowl fell off in the ground and waked up with a start to sit slightly some absentminded Zhang Zhe are by the side of the table, the eye sees is the baby in the obfuscation to wide awake, he quickly walks to the bedside, concern way:"Baby, you how, where uncomfortable?"
"Water, I want to drink water."Baby's forehead rolls tang, holding firmly of subconscious Zhang Zhe.
Looking at full full one glass water be at a stretch drunk off by the baby, what Zhang Zhe loved sighed tone, the mo wore her forehead to ask:"Baby's son, a good many?"
The baby shakes and sobs to ask:"Cousin, old ancestor her true of …… true ……"
Zhang Zhe gloomy way:"The baby livings chronic illness dead, is the natural phenomena that can not change, many people all know, many people are all understand, also having many people can see through from thinking, in fact, be to die truely and condescend to come oneself nearby ……so, the nobody would like to accept, also the nobody can accept.Just, the death destines unavoidable, so, sad again change come what?If there is source of vitality, each person will cherish, this is in the world, have no several personal will would like to give up own life, the old ancestor also hopes oneself to hope long life, can she didn't go against the ability in sky and died be die, didn't save any further of possibility, we are his close relatives, should be sad for her, sad for her, same, we should also bless her, because the person is on the hoof, oneself is suffering hardship, only have dying, just can be better to solve tuo to come out from pain and sufferings, keep off annoyance between material lives, is the most happy affair."
The "not …… not …… the old ancestor died ……" baby listens to not to go in and tores shouting of heart crack lung.
"Is enough!Lay up your that cheap tears!Baby, I ask you, the old ancestor meeting can't hope that you become now this appearance?"Zhang Zhe suddenly pushes away a baby, from the room in take out a mirror to put her in front way:"You see by yourself, oneself sees, what appearance did you all become now?The old ancestor is really painful you love you, she sees you become this appearance, will be happy?She is to arrive heaven, and then trust of bottom?"
The "I ……" baby stopped weeping over, foolish foolishly looking at a mirror of inside that unfamiliar face could not say words.
"Now, invigorate, give my most beautiful smiling face, tell me, you are getting more hungry, you want to eat!Right away!"Zhang Zhe Hei face, but the corner of mouth hangs soft smiling face.
"Cousin ……"
"Your smile?"The vision of Zhang Zhe's iciness looks at her and unexpectedly had no the least bit feelings color.
"I ……I want to see uncle Chen."The baby awkward and shily says and finally softens down on the face.
"Why to see him?"Zhang Zhe asks a way.
Flash across in the baby's eyes complicated ray of light, the yao tooth says:"I doubt that this in the center has scheme, did the old ancestor how can and suddenly have no?She these two days originally still thoroughly, why ……today,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre, so strangely fits."She says and wants to cry and makes Zhang Zhe a burst of headache.
"The matter has no absolutely, probably affair really so strangely fits, in fine, you need not think more to."Zhang Zhe humed 1 and said:"Be getting more hungry, want to eat what tell me, I make people prepare."
The baby shakes and asks a way:"What about purple Tong?How so long don't come to see me as well."
Purple Tong?This name listens to pretty familiar of and seem where have ever listenned to?Zhang Zhe Dai foolish, ask a way:"Who is the purple Tong ?"
The baby puzzles a way:"Does not the cousin know?I how hear two of you to know, you still call her happy, so warm."
Is enjoying that wench a purple Tong?Zhang Zhe in a twinkling and then thinks of the purple Tong in the memory this name, seem to be very famous in the cutthroat field, ha ha, the father is still really some meanses, these people can accept Luo to the troops, seeing come from F should study much and more just to, at the thought of that wench wood gua greatly of a rightness of milks, Zhang Zhe not from tian tian lips, this little witch, have some flavor very much.
While seeing Zhang Zhe but trivial, but contemplate, full face complicated facial expression, the baby doesn't understand a way:"Cousin, what's the matter with you?"
Zhang Zhe wide awake, ", nothing important, I just feel the in the mind is some not happy, don't know to is the reason why."
The baby no longer manages him and towards a door to outside shout loudly:"Purple Tong, purple Tong you at not at?"
The door is pushed away, little witch purple Tong full face the walking of dark come in, the baby sees her this facial expression, not from lightly shout 1:"Purple Tong you how, what matter?"
Purple Tong's imitating a Buddha don't hear the spoilt daughter of a rich family talk, walk to Zhang Zhe of nearby sit down, the noodles has no facial expression way:"Have fire in the yard of Dr. Chen, he all is buried fire sea with wives."
"-How can and so?"The baby surprisedly jumped from the chuang, anxious ask a way:"Uncle Chen how can dies, purple Tong you not is play trick?"
The purple Tong still don't manage her, light looking at Zhang Zhe, seeming Zhang Zhe is his main son, her performance not only makes the baby don't understand, even Zhang Zhe is also puzzling, however mouth up didn't say, but asked:"How did Dr. Chen's corpse handle?"
"Have been already buried, thought at first will he with madam bury together, just ……afraid he see a madam too wretched, bury 2 people separately at after mountain graveyard."The purple Tong heavily says.
Zhang Zhe's in the mind a tight, the subconscious started to carry purple Tong to just pour out of a glass water put by the side of the mouth to ask:"Is wretched?What is the row?"
Purple Tong yao yao tooth, start to be suffused with uncanny tide of 1 F on the face red:"Madam Chen dies the front be led by the bad ta, and …… and ……"
"And what?Your pouring is to say!"Zhang Zhe cross-examinesed a , the hand that holds cup is a bit tiny to shiver.
"Madam Chen's facial features, xiong front, descend Yin, drive ……be mown by the sharp weapon, the whole body ti already odd pieces!"The purple Tong shivers of talk words.
The cup in Zhang Zhe Shou echoes and ground, drive Zhang Zhe yao wear the tooth rolls in the center of palm, immediately, the blood mixs a ground end of porcelain and ceramics to float however falls in, sees Zhang Zhe unexpectedly even gum also yao thrombus:"Kill people however the head orders ground, he can a women have much big old grudge with you?Do you want so to her?Zhang Hao ……you are how cruel!"
The purple Tong still keeps hasing no facial expression and saw already foolish live of baby's one eye, talk quietly:"From now on, I am responsible for the safety of young master, the young lady's safety, the master will send others to be responsible for."
Zhang Zhe tian the tian bloody lips, Sen however way:"Tell me, is who do!"
Purple Tong's seeming to be early to expect him will ask and directly say:"The master makes me remind you and works strategic area not to move, should temporary bear."
Zhang Zhe uncannily smiled to smile, the smiling face allowed people to keep emitting from the heart bottom cool spirit:"Joke endures?Why do I want to endure?Do I still fear his[one] small miscellaneous zhong not to become?You tell me, actually is who start thus cruel!"This time, his voice is much sad and shrill.
The purple Tong is foolish to foolishly see his one eye, hesitant way:"He seems a Wo person and call thou wood what of."
"The person of the Wo?His ma of, is a Wo again person!These dog the miscellaneous zhong arrive where all want to put one leg, see to me in normal times inside to they too kindness!"Zhang Zhe hates a voice to say, terror of face and again ferocious, even used to see the purple Tong of bad person also unbearable a burst of frightened Related articles:

