
beats dr dre soft Wang Hai and

Took back jade Jian Yi Ge person sit to where deliver stuffy foolish.
Led in a short while, the title tooked a look the color of the sky, the unconscious was already an afternoon, suddenly thoughted of that oneself leadses to don't return to for a day, they will can't worry, to, ascend Turkic still tonight the camisado thought of probably here, suddenly start, Bian for a while direction, rush to the north.

Is a spool of the camisado(up) second going into any chapter 37 arrive more and beg a ticket to collect
Renew time:2009-11-1713:47:44 chapter word numbers:2349

The second arrives more, just computer ordered breakdown, say of 5:00 much the renewal didn't carry out and said a voice sorry...It is weak to weakly say that the voice begs a ticket...Beg to collect...
Together the Shu is sat to a debt in, a burst of annoyed.
The Su square assassinated Turkic yesterday emperor son Zhen wood, didn't also see Su a square shadow of human figure till now, didn't know as well exactly how, parties go out to find out of the person also disappears back, exactly what affair, together the Shu was suddenly a bit vexed disorderly.
Together"together soft, together the Qian calls come-" Shu towards to sign at nearby of Wang Hai say.
Led in a short while, together soft two femaleses came over, after saluting, the Qiao signed one side and waited together Shu to talk.
"Your knowing doesn't know yesterday I parties Su the square go to dry what?"Together the Shu suddenly and with no reason asks a way.
Two females shook to shake head towards hoping one eye, then all each other.
"He assassinates Turkic emperor son Zhen wood, this Zhen wood would is several times to the cutthroat that the our army assassinates, the capability should has inborn for middle."
Two females were surprised to shout a , but showed an anxious color in the together soft eye, she very clear, capability mutually if of the person mutually put together Dou, the success or failure woulds be 55 of count, see who experienced, who more deceitful, but these, Su square all shortage, not only not enough, is still a novice.
Together the Shu immediately after says:"But till now, the Su squares didn't come back, don't know as well exactly what circumstance, so your 2 people now left for to find out for a while!"
"BE!"2 people favour Gong the body listen to make.
"This is the map, you see, if the matter can not at great length come back for, slicing to hate to keep intact oneself, !"
Say, together Shu a pair of eyes tightly stare at two female, he has to let two female the safety come back, otherwise, Wei Wu Hou there can not talk.
Together soft two females' one Gong bodieses then and in a hurry walked.
This several hours, together Shu is at anxious mid-degree lead, the one in camp is silent now, only having a grass in camp the not well-known insect son is still just indefatigable call, stir together Shu a burst of of guilty not and rather.
"His highness, this Su square should nothing important affair,beats by dre uk, his capability is so high, deal with that what cutthroat should go?"珺 In the Gong court pours a nothing important to worry, in the his eyes, the Su square is an abnormal condition, should can't so easily hang of, so also have no together Shu of worried.
But together the Shu can not think so, a superior of inborn middle can differ from the superior whom common day after tomorrow expects, they are huge in the function in the war, sometimes, the success or failure of the war probably converses because of they for the meeting, if say a Su square drive Zhen wood to kill, oneself became less the number of success so here, this eliminates that long under, Turkic that square pour is to increase penny cure of success, particularly he is still an excellent assassin, in the camisado, the cure of success is larger!
Together the Shu put to put a hand, more depressed.
"His highness!"Hear this voice, together Shu body one earthquake, quickly return overdo, see to bearer, together soft two females have already come back.
"Pay respects to his highness-"
"Need not be over-courteous-say quickly, how?"Together the Shu quickly asks a way.
"We got to place, didn't discover what, just there are many blood stains on the ground, don't know as well to is a whose, we turn into Turkic army camp again and want to grasp an individual to come over to ask later on, the sky unexpectedly allows us to meet with a thousand men long luckily, then it grasp come over, just know,cheap dr dre beats, Zhen wood has already died, they then lifted to return to the Zhen wood at that time, but Su square don't know a Zong......"
The time of saying also takes worrying of hard dissimulation on the together soft face, together the Qian is also similar.
"Does not the Su square know a Zong???"Together the Shu is a bit depressed, but also helpless, however somehow the Zhen wood died on the whole and poured to also relieve a crisis.
"This......"The words that hear together soft, Wang Hai and 珺 in the Gong court two brotherses are also a burst of and startled.
"You go out......I think a person to calm down!"
Say, together the putting of Shu headache puts a hand and signal hint public go out.
Is public to have to excuse to leave, in addition to debt, four people round at together.
"This Su square...Isn't fierce, how can don't know a Zong, what Turkic of superior did he run into again,beats dr dre?"珺 Guess way in Gong court.
"Do not be ridiculous, the Su square is killed, he or also suffered from severely wounded, is curing in a place?"Wang Hai interrupted the cousin's words.
"You do two brotherses know Su square's identity?"Being together soft silent is a burst of, be like descend very great decision, suddenly ask a way.
"He is who?"珺 In the Gong court very'idiocy'of ask a way.
"He isn't you six doors of right protect a method?He still has what identity don't become?"Wang Hai despises of took a look a cousin, one face is interrogative.
"Affirm it certainly is~~~ask so you, his affirmation is still different from of identity, you......"Together the Qian cannots help but saying.
"Who is he exactly?"Wang Hai seemed to feel what, hurriedly ask a way.
"His father makes Su traverse more!!!"It is together soft to speak slowly a way.
"Uncle(Yi man)???"Being full of in the 2 people's eyes is frightened!
"You are to say-is the Su square our cousin???"Wang Hai Liang people to saw one eye, full face of shocked!
Is together soft together the Qian ordered to nod, didn't talk.
2 people had no language......
While being public to worry about Su's square, he is signing on a mound.
"The elder sister exactly ran how far?Is dead tired I~~~"the Su square is a burst of and depressed, ran a many hours, hadn't arrived, not from of start grievance.
The "she is to resist sword-" Su square suddenly had this mind in the heart, immediately a burst of and upset.
Resist sword exactly and how fast he has never seen, but wants and then feels terrible, this also has several insides all of a sudden at least, alas-run!!!
Once wore one the steppe of one again, the sun also follows him to run together and disappears in the end of the horizon along with the sun, the sky is also black to come down.
Still have a more, probably many at 9:00...The Su square is where a burst of to shake head to sway a brain, and then does a Yi, winked a way:"Each spectator gives to order a son ticket...Collecting one again is better..."

The camisado(bottom) that is a spool of to go into any chapter 38( the midnight arrives)
Renew time:2009-11-1713:47:44 chapter word numbers:2445

The midnight arrives and begs to collect...Beg recommendation...
The Su square tooks a look a cluster of light of fire of steppe distance, the in the mind exhaled an one breath and finally shall arrived soon!!!
The foot puts out strength, the luck has light achievement, rush to go to rapid that light of fire, under the cope of night, see so a dark shadow continuous ambulation.
But the Su square don't know, steppe peace, eyes can see, but sometimes walk want to spend not short time, now Su square heart in then at dark scold.
Spending is an of energy, light of fire finally saw that, but the ear also spread to fight of voice.
This is what Su's square thoughts of first, thought of here, then also attend to not and up stop for rest, and then dash away but go to!
The time waited until, sees two square person's horse just and continuously fight!
Together Shu guesses indeed as expected quite goodly, the Turkic really comes to night Related articles:

