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Or not to keep the Guangdong local stability, I see now temporarily according to Zhao adults said, put to sea to twenty day ,if there is an insufficient number of warships ,the first from Guangxi over twenty or thirty warships Navy adjustable to Guangdong coast ,where there are forces in Shou ,as long as we are careful ,should not be a big problem .
, relationresultYue Linsaid: Yang system device ,a great voyage costs ,before two time at sea, he spent nearly all the money, according to that view, should be as stated on the sea ,like the merchant fees .
Otherwise the rulers also afford . , relationresultZhao Qianru alsosaid: yesterday, Xie Yuanqing also represented Guangdong businessmen came to me ,told businessmen together also discussed this incident, if the government can provide long-term this convoy ,protect their safety ,they are willing to pay the cost of carry out ,just want to please the government showed that attitude, and give the business a a reasonable price .
, relationresultThe twelve raid on Guangzhou 2 , relationresultYang Yan nodded,and said: Yue sir, Zhao adults ,so please consult two went back ,have a look to the merchant should be a what kind of price is good .
, relationresultTwo peoplenodded ,Yang Yan asked leave Chau .relationresultBecause of Cheng Yuanzhoucrimes were determined by imperial court of Ling ,Guangzhou here is only executed ,so Zhao Ruyu just to Yang Yan made simple .
As for Cheng Yuanzhou on the way back home dead things stolen ,mind you, although all know how I did it ,but on the surface who also do not say, but is a headless unsolved ,settle a matter by leaving it unsettled .
relationresultZhao Ruyuand Dai Yang Yan handed a booklet ,this is the Cheng Yuanzhou raid when copied property ,this is the most important thing ,must be Yang Yan himself through accreditation ,now the Cheng Yuanzhou mansion in the attachment, if necessary ,Yang Yan also to check on site verification .
relationresultYang Yan took thebook ,see only above documented check every piece of valuable assessment items ,gold and silver ,silk silk cloth fabric name number ,in which rare antique artifacts not what its number, plus the original to Yang Yan things down into coins ,total Yibaibashisiwanqiqianduo penetration ,in addition Cheng Chau and Guangdong ,Guangxi ,Fujian etc.
the mansion in seventeen, Wuwansanqianqibaiduo acres of fertile land ,even Yang Yan could see straight tongue ,didn want to cut the throat to pull a small Cheng Chau ,was dug a large gold mine .
But all these things need to look into themselves .And other suppressed pirates division ,moved back toward time together back to Ling ,delivered to the court .relationresultTheyalso discuss some other things ,then each and left .
When the system is in the Yamen to quiet down ,Yang Yan and Zhao Qianru came to rest after the church .relationresultGu Xueping,Cheng Lin Yue Ke ,iron ,such as Yue Shan this it met Yang yan ,beats dr dre.
Gu Xueping was so full of vigor ,see Yang Yan immediately asked the question that, not even a moment to live, Yue Shan and her age ,is more than her quiet becomes steadily more .Tie Chenglin has a little speech ,Yue Ke is quite mature, two people actually asked Yang Yan .
relationresultAndyum yum and with the two tigers ,a few months gone ,the two guy has grown a lot ,although not fully grow to adulthood,dr dre beats, but also the head is not small, every act and every move is also quite the king down ,just in front of Gu Xueping or the like two kittens, allowing Gu Xueping to call bossing .
relationresultFinally,all were gone ,leaving only their two people of husband and wife ,Yang Yan gently around Zhao Qianru waist ,her cheek kiss ,said: as she hit ,this but really want you .
, relationresultZhao Qianru put hisarm around the neck ,Yang Yan ,said: Yan Lang ,I miss you . Said active will hot sweet Hickey in Yang Yan lips .relationresultYang Yanyiput her body in my arms ,kiss rain onto her hair ,face ,ears and jade item office .
Zhao as she hit the figure ,pendulum, was trembling ,breathing more and more rapid ,sweet tongue reaction intensifies unceasingly ,was started .Not easy to get rid of Yang Yan kisses ,in Yang Yan and spit out a mouth of lukewarm Lan Fong ,gently said: Yan Lang ,hold the people into the house .
.. ... , relationresultYang Yan can not help but,to hold Zhao Qianru ,walks into the bedroom ,put her to bed ,she began to undress, gently stroking her plump skin smooth .In two the couple joy in their marriage.
,immediately separated a few months ,then it is absence makes the heart grow fonder when, Zhao Qianru also gave up the reserve ,moan the rush of angry ,limbs can not help to entangle Yang yan .
The beautiful body completely open, without any reservation ,with men and women can achieve the most intimate form together as one .relationresult******************************relationresultThe very next dayYang Yan and Yue Lin ,Zhao Ruyu gathered the merchant of Guangzhou representative ,Xie Yuanqing ,stone complex ,Cai Jianfang ,Zou Xuping and Ding Kui discuss five together such as merchant convoys .
relationresultAfter yesterdayYue Lin and Zhao Ruyu night calculation ,finally come to a to the merchant fees standard :one thousand more merchant ships for five hundred through the money ,eight hundred to one thousand for merchant collection through four hundred ,six hundred to eight hundred for merchant collection through three hundred ,six hundred below the expected rate of two hundred through a collection of merchant ships .
relationresultTheofficial newspaper of this price, five business representatives are satisfied with it ,because the price even and Meng Heng before the price goes up ,also more than halved ,to businessmen ,the price is absolutely acceptable .
Therefore some people very happy ,and it promised to come down .relationresultThenYang Yan shows have been turned into twenty days a fleet voyage number per trip ,and only one hundred and twenty ships quantity ,several businessmen representatives have appeared to be reluctant .
Xie Yuanqing said: young adults ,the amount is too little ,if each trip can have only one hundred and twenty merchant vessels ,so we hope for at least ten days there is a fleet to sea ,only in this way can we achieve before sailing vessel number ,also can protect our trade and material supply .
,cheap beats by dre, relationresultYang Yanyao shook his head,and said: gentlemen ,the current government ships are limited ,only to be able to do this, so please forgive me sir . , relationresultCaiet : ,we all thought that ,if such ships limited ,we are willing to put in some idle vessels for official use ,if not, the adults can the court reported ,we is willing to pay for the construction of a number of ships ,government ,but the new war ship .
Must be used to escort merchant vessels with . , relationresultOtherpeople have said and said: yes, yes .We is willing to pay for the construction of a number of warships ,rulers ,to escort merchant vessels with .
, relationresultYang Yan smiled a little,said: kindness but the officer ,but build warship is not result of a day, and seaman ,soldiers ,commanders ,not all ready .Even built warships ,was not immediately able to use .
, relationresultCaiet : say too, but I do not know what other good way adults ? , relationresultYang Yandao: the officer had decided to escort merchant vessels ,was just a matter of expediency ,not to collect fees .
If the South China Sea pirates is not the exception, always be a mortal malady ,this officer was to wipe out the pirates ,also you a safe sea ,then I am afraid not the police to escort ,you also don mind .
relationresultThe twelve raid on Guangzhou 3 , relationresultThe twelveraid on Guangzhou 3 , relationresultSeveral merchants look at each other ,Ding Kui said: young adults ,all these years has been well received by the pirates suffered, if adults can really eliminate the pirates ,that is too good .
The villain also know that adults work miracles in manoeuvring troops ,a pirate to be nothing difficult ,just pirates in the South China Sea area run for more than twenty years, to the ingrained ,want to completely clear but not short-term inside can accomplish . Related articles:

