
beats by dre nally thought that L

Sort, than an old river's lake still timidity!
On going 10 people, connect to rush through from rush through, black ex- on sky, finally arrived to face a river, the gold stone is that person's meaning, had better go into the city right away, but Luo was easy them to refuse.Understand towards facing a river, their some circumstances all not, although now is someone to lead, the problem can want to just discuss, how couldn't they so trust a heel to go in!Li Tian often literally sought an Inn with not big scale outside the city, lived down.Preparation tomorrow go into the city again.The person of that gold stone also has no way, he can not throw down several individuals again, oneself walked first and had to live with them together!
Didn't°yet be black now sky, Inn one guy welcome so many guests, let the owner happily match the Long mouth was not!Ten last buildings of back yard all drive they a guy wrapped.The gold stone is another of have no, is rich, this cost still doesn't put in the mind.
The piano is rather purple of side up, is Luo easily and Li Tian often, easy to care.
Is other the whole, according to Luo easy order, from Chien!
Once had supper, Luo easy[one] person slipped away to reach Inn, this faces a river this time but second time!Is the last time when?He a little bit forgot, oneself at that time is still a west rather of soldier, the rebel of Yu in the sky.Now, all day the world of Yu dynasty, west rather of the leftover evil have already perished!That princess, also have the die in the his hand of too uncle saint plan.If tell other people, too the uncle saint plan is dead in own under charge, meeting does someone believe?Thought of here, he feels a life actually very funny, time is a soldier, didn't say to kill too uncle saint plan, be want to see him one side, fear to want with now to see Yang Wen Di similar difficult!A life time change Huan, when the winds and clouds is easy the affair of this society, who say quasi-ly again!Uncertain his Luo easily has so for a day, will also become the lake person of the river of the winds and clouds of Chi Mao, who also inscrutability!
Feel river's noodles blows of slowly cold breeze, the source head of this river is Shu cloud river, his home town, can to him, the home town has already had no person whom he concerns about!But thought of the original Ling that faces river's top, his pouring is many a worry, don't know green Ling as well a few boys think of what's the matter at that time in the jail to fierce broke breeze of several individuals commitment, really have a little now laughably, oneself was to don't understand anything that time, didn't learn fighting skill and how sought for them to spread a person!
Turn to read again is on moving, whether that five original Biao bureaus still is seeking him!Now his appearance and compared before, became a lot, believed to isn't a familiar person, can hardly know him!Can he thinks of a matter and recorded the time that the garage rushed through a car in the Kang before, Chen person say very definitely and face a river to arrive original Ling, this way on Tuesday, the authorities checks very strictly and how can has a robber to appear and disappear now and sees an appearance or a large-scale robber, otherwise, with gold stone so the board of trade of the influence, how may be arrived so serious stroke!Is otherwise someone under the tacit consent of the imperial government, carry on snuffing out to the gold stone!Thought of this possibility, he has no idea to slip away to reach any further and quickly returns to Inn.
Li Tian often waits a person haven't taken a rest, just in the chitchat, see he come back, the piano is purple to rather and a little bit blame and scold of way:"Your a person arrives where go to, does everyone really worry you!"Actually she worries most , just hard speak just.
Luo easily smiled to smile, the way of apology:"Make everyone worried, I arrive to outside walk and see to have what variety have no!"
Li Tian often strangely asks a way:"Originally lord in the island once arrived this place before!"
The Luo easy self-ridicule sighed tone, way:"Do not say let it be, to, old Lee, you say that the affair meeting of gold stone can't be an imperial government someone give them the Ban son of bottom?"
Li Tian often eyebrows Tu but wrinkly arrive together, but very quick, facial expression what to change is to can hardly see, way:"Lord in the island but heard what news?"Wonder this in his heart is probably not is to have no, but hope be not so just good, otherwise, they are really fraught with grim possibilities!
Luo easily sees his facial expression variety, careful way:"That pours be not, I just thought of an affair for a past and remembered that someone once said with me and faced a river to arrive original Ling, this road, the authorities checked very strictly, I once saw as well, why can appear thus of BE?Herd far court's party in government court someone also, don't order news, so, this matter is seen and really has a problem!"
Li Tian often sighed tone, way:"Think to is a small matter, where thought of so complicated, see still too little to the request for suggesting, should take the half to their Su Hang's name of shop!"
Gold Hui several individuals haven't come yet and mean the facial expression of oneself's surprise, gold Huang this guy is on the side immediately after way:"That is still remarkable, the problem solves half of time, put forward again to change is not late either, I believe how they will promise that time!"
Connecting Luo this time is easily all foolish, originally thought that Li Tian is often an old crafty huge slippery guy, where thought of that the boy of this remain silent is more exaggerated!
"Still say that condition to have no your share!"The gold Hui calls a way,beats by dre.
The gold Huang is an innocent appearance, way:"I just thoughted of this problem, conversation of contents I don't know at all, that is really old Lee's achievement!"
Li Tian often says with smile:"Like, I not letter, we severals also plant to face a river not to become at this, don't say the another, my that Xuan Yin ghost hand, after did about, have no how to once use, can I can also feel my own artistic skill have already taken place very big variety, past is that so artistic skill, not just mix of have a mold to have kind!"
The piano is also purple to rather feel an exciting abnormality, way:"The superior who had better can meet to use sword, also let I the knowledge knowledge truely use a sword superior!"
Li Tian often way:"Ms. Qin's sword already very Gao, want to meet the opponent of accommodation, afraid very difficult, is it your opponent to perhaps return no one!"
Luo easily and secretly wanted to think, the piano was purple rather of opponent?Or there is a person can also, but he would not like to think of!That attends to snow friendship to be quite good, inside the achievement have results to show, don't know other of how!
Several individuals discussed along while, all don't have frightened viewpoint to the future, seem world they severals is just!
On the second day, the sky didn't°yet be bright, the person of gold stone early and early called them to get up and said to early as possible go into the city.
Luo easily waits a person to also have no way and meets one to handle affairs an earnest person and also really suffer mental agony!Tidied up own thing, left Inn, entered to face river's city.
Face river and Su Hang to compare, many is that one is dignified, political strain.Was in need of to take gentle and soft business atmosphere in Su Hang's alacrity.But receive last 1 F majesty!
Li Tian is often any city defense to the world, all have own understanding, his side walks, side to nearby of Luo is easy they introduction way:"This faces a river, in the Qi dollar of ex- expect, didn't°yet be so flourishing, is just a to close to estuarine small city, can word Yang Wen Di is in this place after radicating, it starts developing, is also fought last time disorderly medium of affair.Su Hang is also, equally as a sky, the rear base of Yu, 1 is political last, 1 is economic."
"So arrived to face a river, must be careful, don't involve in other's business indiscriminately, probably you meet of a very unattractive guy, be what dukes and high ministers, Royal sons, we are a to also recruit not to be taunted!"He is to face a river at the introduction, can also at warn the gold Hui severals meeting the guy of the condition.Here unlike Su Hang!Although Su Hang also has princes and dukes nobility, can they are still all very law-abiding, leave to face a river to necessarily have some distance, what problem, is an imperial government to want to look for person, also very difficult!But face a river different, on having action, face a river to lift Dus all will momentary arrive to, can hardly run away!
"That not is that there is no rules to be spoken!"The piano is purple to rather have a little an angry way.
Luo easily understands most deeply and says with smile:"Their house isn't a rules, rules not just Yang Wen Di settle of, he says your guilty, you guilty!"
"See to be emperor to still have this advantage!"The gold Hui praises highly of say, don't know that he is true or leave as well, " we also make to sit for a while!"
Li Tian often on the alertly saw Related articles:

