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Come out, he says with a smile:"Master son, you can really stir, as long as you let the affair that I do, I will definitely spare no effort to do with all strength of, this top has no problem, though you speak, don't say a condition, is 100 to all have no problem."
"A condition enough, want to make me go out, you have to do my to close the door pupil, only you accepted me all and extremely after learning, I would mountain, otherwise don't need to talk."
Also no wonder that six hearts are evil will put forward to a condition like this, for their group generation all is list door only door, all accepts one to spread a person, one of his pupil because personal emotion problem experience successively to leave, certainly demand again seek a pupil, beyond all doubt, Lin Dong is a quite the cheese candidate.
This condition looks like simple, but actually makes Lin Dong equal difficult, although in times before self-discipline lead heart evil big method, want to formally become six pupil with evil hearts still really must have a little difficult, after all was already the Huan sword alliance leader of alliance now, words like that don't oneself really must see across to fix really, fix evil two boundarieses and become evil way and the comprehensive body of proper way.
After contemplating for a long time, Lin Dong says:"Probably all of all theses are heaven's wills, I would like to do obeisance you as teacher."
"After having your disciple, that I don't concern about, go out to accept the destroy completely a Sir of extremely learn."
Can make six hearts evil the mountain really is a not easy affair, complete this task East China Sea wood's as if relieved of a heavy burden after, the whole individual finally relaxed down.
Six hearts are evil have never immediately left an absolute being agriculture of, but the persistence become sick the magic trick to oneself first and pass Lin Dong and wait him and completely learn just can mountain, so tossed about for a week.
A week inside, Lin Dong basically learned six all magic tricks of heart evil inductions, after waiting complete academic association two talented persons set out.
Wildly evil shadow, all of hell absolute being Jis are six younger generation with evil hearts, see the time that he comes over quickly salute.
Six hearts are evil to say with a smile:"Now that I was cheated by Lin Dong to come, so we are a locust on rope, everyone helps each other to come to deal with depopulation together a Sir."
"There is heart evil elder generation horse, even if being that depopulation Sir is again severe, we can be steady to hold to win a coupon as well.Is only these days of to seem to have a little oddness, the segment house seems what actions all have no, seeming fighting to the death of master son in their house didn't cause controversy, this was the extreme abnormality."Spoke the worry in his/her own heart in the this time wildly evil shadow,beats by dre australia, he all was worried that the ground says:"The meeting can'ts destroy completely a Sir to has another plan and have already lefts here."
"That where did you think that depopulation Sir to leave to greatly realize to go?"Six hearts are evil to say with a smile:"I have already listenned to Lin Dong once say, you easily break to fix a true general assembly, and still hunt to kill segment master son in the house and destroy completely a Sir to leave in this case great the reason is a very normal affair."
The wildly evil shadow says after thinking for a while:"Destroying completely the Sir will can't take to begin descend directly went the card day song that Tang Gu pulls mountain pass, look for the entrance of fixing the true world over there?If is that so words, we should leave earlier, again late perhaps too late."
"Fix a true world, my pouring is to once hear and only seem into have no, if can not find exit, the Yao directly flies to rise over there, the Yao traps dead therein.See appearance that depopulation the Sir's distance fly to rise should not that far, if having a superior like this can beat with me a , that is absolutely a be worth very much of Be in remembrance of of is an affair."Six hearts are evil to have already had the real strenght of crushing under foot the unreal, but sky's robbing always don't appear, he finally can not crush under foot unreal as well, really must want to seek 1 to decide that the superior comes to fight 1 in this case.
Lin Dong says with a smile:"I also approve the parlance of evil heart elder generation, seeing the appearance, that depopulation Sir has already had the real strenght of crushing under foot the unreal, otherwise can't blindly intrude into to fix a true world.Perhaps he takes past of those guys will trap dead at in.We probably also meet to face this problem after in the past this time, so must think a way to look for the exit of fixing the true world, otherwise will trap dead therein."
Is present public in, didn't probably crush under foot unreal most of is a witch red cloud, after finishing listenning to Lin Dong's words, she pretty much the injustice ground Jue wear small mouth to say:"So, I stay to look for the exit of fixing the true world, province after you go in is not."
In this time, Lin Dong looking at wildly evil shadow with the expectant taste, the answer in etc. this guy.
The wildly evil shadow wants to get into to fix a true world very much, but also know Lin Dong is what mean, hence very and not and greatly say:"Fix the exit of true world very probably in the polar region, and polar region should in the Antarctica, at the right moment I am going to the polar region look for cold jade in the polar region, that makes me stay.Lin Dong, your boy doesn't forget to pull a mountain help at Tang Gu, I seek the sea urchin of the eye of the North Sea, if the words that dare to forget, I break your neck Ning.Moreover and since your boy needs a person to look after, you let red cloud of witch also fix a true world to calculate."
"Many thanks to your shadow eldest brother."In this time, concussion thousand times of witch none of red cloud knew what just like.

The text chapter 238 fixs the entrance of true world
Renew time:2010-1-815:26:25 chapter word numbers:5123

The wildly evil shadow is obviously more suitable to do detective, this guy moves of the speed really was too quick, must connect quickly with Lin Dong whom the speed is good at all from the Kui isn't equal to.He in the shortest time inside found out a segment house there of trend, indeed as expected a group of superiors have already set out, the target is Tang Gu to pull mountain range.
After hearing this news, Lin Dong of the first felling is those guys is going to fix the entrance of true world, he knows that this affair can not procrastinate in this time, hence quickly seek six hearts evil come to amount of company.
Six hearts are evil after finishing listenning to relating of Lin Dong say with a smile:"My task is easy that be to definitely destroy completely a Sir, as for other affairs are that you play by ear, this should be the affair that you take idea.Don't forget, you are to truely manage, this affair you are a leading role from beginning to end, the whole you play by ear."
In this time, the hell absolute being Ji says with a smile:"I and heart the evil elder generation is all supporting roles, an all absolute supporting roles, this drama how actually should play, all depend you this big director and leading role of.We will carry on belligerence with those on an equal footing opponents, as for other affairs you and the witch red cloud company measure."
Witch red cloud hears the time that the teacher say like this feel very ashamed, abashed have his face raddens all over of she lowers the head, the vision dead straight stares at on the toe, very difficult say for feeling ground:"I don't understand anything at all, the whole still whole with east the elder brother make decision."
Lin Dong knows in this time also there is no necessary Qian letting too many, he says with a smile:"Now that you all said like this, that was arranged by me.Is in fact easy, the person of segment house is driving is past, and have already set out for a day, in this case we is BE not likely to arrive to their front, we pour in this case is can not also use too worried, directly take the helicopter like, this I to arrange, since is again late also almost can arrive Tang Gu to pull mountain pass with them at the same time."
Six hearts are evil to hear the time of sitting the helicopter seem to be very happy, he says with a smile:"I am 200 years old to haven't taken the helicopter, Lin Dong holds firmly to arrange like, anyway I want to well enjoy this time for a while."
Don't say that six hearts are getting more evil in fact, even hell absolute being Ji, , witch red cloud has never sat a helicopter, as for for the first time take airplane still the front soon take place of affair, they also want to feel to sit on the felling on the helicopter for a while.
Take the helicopters to all entertain wild hope to ordinary people, as for buy helicopter be more not going to imagine.But this for prestige several Lin Dong of USD 1,000,000,000 but speech's pouring isn't a Shi Related articles:

