
Beats By Dr Dre Studio ton of the on avera

Gardening, in those fabled old days of yore, used to be all about quiet, hard working old men slaving away in the rain, in their flat caps, on a muddy allotment. Going further, it was even about the retired, who would lovingly prune their roses and mow their lawn, as a reflection of the pride they had in their home. Then came the nineties, and the antics of Alan Titchmarsh and Charlie Dimmock, rolling into gardens all over the country, flicking on that busy piece of music and creating brilliantly landscaped spaces. I am not going to go as far to say it was a rock n roll revolution of gardening, as that would be silly, but it did bring gardening into the mainstream a bit and made it cool to want to have a nice space out the back of your house.

So, with this rise in interest in gardening came an almost commensurate rise in the number, variation and sheer choice of gardening gifts and tools that came out. In fact, this market experienced a big upturn itself when people had the good sense to combine new technology with the usual hard graft associated with gardening. So, what kinds of gardening gifts are available at the moment?

For starters, anyone knows that, when you are growing things or being out in the elements, the weather can have a big impact on how you and your crop fares. So, to help with this, you could get yourself a multi-function weather station. These tend to have a number of features, such as an external rain gauge, an anemometer and an outdoor sensor for temperature. It also displays the time and date so you don't lose track of time when you're working away in your garden or on the allotment. It is fair to say that, among gardening gifts, this is definitely one of the most useful.

There are numerous other gardening gifts out there that are great too. One great gift for gardeners everywhere is the Green Fingers Basket. This gift is a hamper, but with a difference. Contained inside the hamper is everything a gardener could want, including a hardy apron, a squirt gun for watering hard to reach plants, secateurs and other gardening tools as well as a chamomile and honey hand cream and a basil and thyme aromatic hand scrub to keep those hands you work so hard fresh and healthy!

One thing among all these gardening gifts that would be truly useful to anyone growing produce in their garden or allotment is the Intelligent Sprinkler Controller. Attaching itself to your spigot and sprinklers, the Sprinkler Controller schedules regular watering of your plants. However, what makes it stand out is that it has a built in barometer that anticipates the weather, meaning that if it rains at any point close to a scheduled watering, this watering will be cancelled, with no overall effect to the schedule. This is obviously very clever, as it saves drowning your plants and also means you do not have to alter the watering schedule yourself.

If you are looking among gardening gifts for something different and a little unique, then the Protect the Planet gift box might tick all the boxes. Now, it is a fair assumption to make, I think, that gardeners, being particularly appreciative of nature, will want to do something to contribute to the preservation of our environment. To help with this, the Protect the Planet gift box actually offsets a half ton of the on average 5 tonnes of CO2 produced by you in a year. The box comes with a welcome letter, an explanation of the actual gift and carbon offsetting in detail, as well as a presentation certificate and personalised pen. All in all, there are very few gifts that you can give that have such an impact, and this will make it very memorable.

Finally,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, comes something that only just fits into the gardening gifts bracket, but is a welcome addition nonetheless. Whether you have something specific to celebrate or not, it is always nice to toast things with a bit of bubbly, and the Luxury Personalised Champagne comes with a gardener's theme on the label. If your growing has been particularly well, or if you just fancy toasting the gardener of your family, this is a great gift to get.

All in all then, there is a huge range of gardening gifts out there, so those of you who are buying for the green-fingered people among your family and friends have no excuse not to get something now! Related articles:

