
Beats By Dr Dre Studio oes the angel doEx

Is some, work out the share problem of soldier factory!"
See Zhang Zhe or one face of can not believe, Howl's man of Di Di will grasp crazy:"Young man, agree your request of soldier factory was already the extreme limit that I can accept, hoped you not insatiably greedy!"
Listen to this old man more say more wide of the mark, Zhang Zhe also cannot helped but, the heart said you not is be my simpleton?So of request that you can promise, that really saw ghost!Again spark a smoke, Zhang Zhe Yi hand lightly knock the table of the front of sofa:"I really want to believe your sincerity, can I still have brain, know this soldier factory to you the organization means what, you like this and in brief goes fetch to trade with me, do you let how to dare to believe you?I know the value of oneself, can say, take your soldier factory some share don't calculate as well excessively, can I know that the affair isn't so simple, you also have no business to promise!"
"I see is that you thought the problem complicated by yourself!Another soldier factory I don't dare to promise, but Malaysia and Singapore soldier factory in the two sides I can completely make decision!"Howl's man of Di Di says a station since the body, the facial expression metal graily says:"These two soldier factories Be each to have me 51% of shares, I say to you, have thing to you!"
Howl's man of Di Di is very excited, have the kind the felling of"the old man chats to deliver a youth crazy" at the moment, the xiong has results to show a bamboo to make he the heroism living:"As long as you from now on press my way of thinking to develop, I can give you two soldier factories total 10% of shares!How?Still have what problem?"
10% of shares, the sky shouts, this old guy really went crazy, Zhang Zhe to take a suck at an air conditioner, saw from the analytical Southeast Asia market of sting blood, if oneself canned really control soldier factory 10% of shares and necessarily had the income of USD 100000000 annually, this still didn't calculate, oneself needs hereafter of the ammunition can be infinite to supply, all material prices are cost prices, till then wait to start to pull several troops of myriad people all easy to accomplish!
Really go crazy?Has the head that can see this old guy ever seemed to have no plank in the quilt door to once clip and pressed his way of thinking development?BE be not mean Ya Jia Er hereafter want to be depended on to him, listen to his order, do another"NATO allies"?Even if so, does he make use of Ya Jia Er to get again what?
Zhang Zhe feels his/her own thinking concretion and sink into a vicious cycle, just own development considered by him, have very the general situation limit, so is very difficult understand Howl's man of Di Di does so of purpose.
Howl's man of Di Di sees his facial expression dignified, the facial expression mollifies a lot:"Thus, I order time for you first to consider.As long as you agree, my condition is always constant.And, you can also notify the organization behind you.However, never say to is what I make you notify.Otherwise, they will be definitely be suspicious, your day can not lead.Person, always would not° until oneself arrange a few roads be good, don't mourn dead in a treetop.I once saw a lot of affairs this lifetime and was like you the young man like this once saw a lot as well, a road walks to black, have no severals can fall good end of, only have fun have no byroad, is a proper way!"
Although know perfectly well he misunderstood his own identity, can Zhang Zhe still have to admit, Howl's man of Di Di this old guy confidence public means' hasing fun really was too severe!
In this a moment at least, Zhang Zhe temporarily gives up to understand a plan of dropping the Ni Nuo definitely and probably has her the help, oneself is from the angel there can also get some advantages.
"The condition that you give lets I very difficult brush-off, really need to be considered for a while.So, finally as a result how, I tomorrow reply for you again."Zhang Zhe says the station starts and stretches out a hand on one's own initiative, he urgently wears to seek sting blood a company to measure for a while and see virtuous organization of carat to attain so bottom to have what purpose.
Di Di Howl man with him heavily hold together, squint Jing to say:"The young man is to break to then break, excesssive of hesitation, will lose many opportunities."
"Teach!"Zhang Zhe Zheng 's tuo palm twists a head to walk and have a liking for go to very ill-mannered.Howl's man of Di Di but very big degree smile and just stare at his figure some absentminded.
"Father, did you put him to walk like this?"Expect Er to wear man not to know where emitted out, very light say.
"How otherwise?Killed him?"Once Howl's man of Di Di turn head and ruthlessly stared son's one eye, sneer way:"He if not that idiot will definitely cooperate with us,Beats By Dr Dre Studio."
"Can he is the angel's person, our sworn enemies!"Expect Er to wear man to deeply wrinkle up eyebrows, really don't understand the father's way of doing.
"Hum, I allowed 10% of shares of his soldier factory, do you think what the angel can give him?"
"Father!"Expect Er to wear once the man listen to, immediately get a shock, seem to be not to believe own ear:"Father, you this is ……bring in dangerous foe.The angel aims at us to obviously have scheme this time, sea we didn't rely on, not launch revenge, can this doesn't mean our carat is virtuous and then must ask for help of Ya Jia Er's influence.And if that guy got hold of share and turned to come over to hand over to an angel, we also about had no in the advantage of land, why exactly, will you be so crary?"
"Hum, bring in dangerous foe!I am to want bring in dangerous foe!The wolf goes back and forth in the outside and casts covetous eyes on, always is a piece of secret concern, not afraid the thief steal, afraid the thief remember."
Howl's man of Di Di sighs a , later on in eyes gleam relentless of ray of light, and then imitated a Buddha to return to young time, the years of the winds and clouds of Chi Mao, the body ti of old Tai, living an a burst of male breeze without basis.
"Is a bad a head of wolf, I will also become him a watchdog of darling!We walk!"
"Want to go where?"Expect Er to wear a man startled way.
"Contact Hong group in the sky, this helps recklessly and blindly do guy and incredibly beat the idea to us the head come up, not the knock knocks them, will still don't know and ask for hereafter what bother, you think that female the cutthroat aim at of only Ya Jia Er?"Howl's man of Di Di is cold to hum a way:"If the sea Rui pulls them to have an accident here, the follow-up will ask for an a chain of troubles, this does the problem being simple still want me to teach you?"
"Why can you remind that I don't do a stupid matter and pass them again?"Expect Er to wear man just the son died, the thinking really had some disorder and still hadn't pure threads till now.
"Because someone are suited for more to begin than us!"Howl's man of Di Di this time pours don't put blame on a son, cloudy say with smile:"If I didn't guess wrong, Wu Da Dun's childe of Hong group in the sky has already disappeared in the world here."
"H'm?"Expect Er to wear man one Leng:"Has Ya Jia Er already begun?"
"Break wind!All of these are what angel dos!"Di Di Howl the man slap clap on his forehead:"You look badly sick lightly, descend go to awake for a while.Hereafter have no evidence not to want a confused guess!"Finish saying, his cachinnation wears to leave and get sick more of body ti incredibly need not under charge Chan hand and start to walk road to is also a tiger tiger to living breeze.
"Does the angel do?"Expect Er to wear the man Nao Nao head, soon after wide awake:"All of the whole Southeast Asias are the scopes of American controls, those household influence that are deeply rooted early instigate them this time to American government disaffection, how much can order resistance for American aspect manufacturing, indeed as expected is a good opportunity!"
Was unexpectedly clapped a slap by the father to incredibly begin to understand, expected Er to wear a shaking of man self-ridicule to shake head, quickly kept up with the father's step.
(That book title is make a contract to edit an eldest brother help to change, I also have no a way.~~~~(>_<)~~~~ Is another, this several days two elder sisters prepare matrimony recently, although is very busy, the in the mind is specially happy, two elder sisters are 2 years older than me, I am married, she would not° until now knot and also supported the late marriage policy of party on the whole, in good humor, status also the adjustment come over, behind the chapter fights for writing some gao tide to come out.)

Text 258 chapters integrate into a person!
Renew time:2010-5-232:45:00 chapter word numbers:9147

While returning to room, Zhang Zhe stabs blood just to seriously eat food in the full face inside the restaurant and sees Zhang Zhe also just order to receive for a while and continue Related articles:

