
Monster Beats ster of Qin Tianzon

And he in the Qin government role, is far more than Qin Houde .It is because of the law protection of Qin ,Qin palace disciples can sleep without any anxiety to spend every day .relationresultBut Zheng Yongjinsaid that Qin Tong died, is the Zheng family assassinated Qin Tong ?Associate Zheng recently a series against Qin action ,but always follow shadow with Qin Houde Qin Tong has now disappeared ,the lobby all basically believe the words of Zheng Yongjin .
relationresultQin days if ,I thought you just practicing qualification difference a bit only, did not think of your head also has a problem .Told me to play such a bet ,with people like you to make the match, it is very boring .
See the hall all be confound at appearance, Zheng Yuanhao arrogant nature could not help but come out .relationresultInall that Qin days if Zheng Yuanhao will be shamed when they fly ,Qin Tianzong suddenly laughed ,he laughed at .
relationresultPastZheng Yuanhao is a mountain in front of Qin days if ,he is the master of Qin Tianzong ,let Qin Tianzong feel irresistible ,in Qin Tianzong heart is buried played an indelible shadow .
To be continued ,Qin Tianzong found his opponent actually is so superficial and naive ,this makes Qin Tianzong a gun fight mosquitoes feeling ,wasted a month of preparation time .relationresultLing Phyl ,you just though offend me, but as long as you are willing to release with Qin vertical-day engagement ,I can not care about what had happened .
See Qin Tianzong strange smile ,Zheng Yuanhao paused ,then move to the Ling Feier .relationresultWant me to lift with talented brother engagement is not, as long as you can come up with talented brother as valuable as dowry to the line .
Ling Feier always averse to Zheng Yuanhao arrogance ,then saw Zheng Yuanhao a superior appearance, has insulted Qin Tianzong and herself ,Monster Beats,her face from a wicked smile .relationresultThe waste to work out what the dowry ,you hurry back ,I double in .
Zheng Yuanhao was not aware of Ling Feier face changes ,but said with disdain .relationresultTalented brother sent me a dowry is a pill ,let me from vein Wu environment order warrior promotion for the Yuan Wu territory in order to confirm the warrior ,you can come up with similar Zhengjia dowry ? Ling Feier small mouth slightly open ,revealing the appropriate surprise .
relationresultLing Feierwords are like a pounding waves ,let people into the parlour sluggish state ,then the whole room immediately becomes lively .relationresultLing Phyl not two months before promotion to the vein Wu habitat in the order of warrior ,how could she so soon promoted to Yuan Wu exit warrior ,this intermediate but separated for three big state ! , relationresultNo wonder she can easily beat Zheng Yuanhao ,she is already a Yuan Wu exit warrior ,culture realm has high Zheng Yuanhao a realm ,I thought Zheng Yuanhao was just be negligent Ling Phyl to beat? , relationresultTo make a short time to upgrade the three realms of the pills ,the pills too - it, we can get the pill home of the Qin Dynasty ,is there really a division in support of the family ? , relationresult.
..... , relationresultHearthe words of Ling Feier Zheng Yuanhao ,as by lightning strikes ,a face blush, but Ling Phyl now also face look at him ,let him hate may find a way to crack into .
relationresultLingFei son at the age of seventeen in order to Mai Wu environment practice ,in a city of concern about her work state ,is not a secret, Ling Phyl just beat into Wu exit discrete Zheng Yuanhao ,that she is now the fact Wu Yuan Wu territory .
No one doubted Ling Feier just discursive authenticity .relationresultStreams of people busily coming and goingat a lobby group ,outside the hall suddenly heard a hurried footsteps ,followed by a few shadows into the hall ,where the head is Qin Tong ,another person is leaf Wu ,there are three new faces .
relationresultLittle Lord, luckily not fails, Zheng Yongfu head has to ! Go to the Qin days if front ,leaf Wu respectfully to finger snakeskin pocket open ,revealing a round head .
relationresultBrother ,I follow the master in Zheng Fu around laid nets above and snares below array ,Zheng family can half a step the door of the house . Qin Tong is toward Qin Houde nodded ,excited to report their results .
relationresultThe master of the house ,we have followed your advice, three days ago in the Zheng family all the water in the hysteric blue poison ,Zheng home all the elite disciples now already to cripple no two ! Three other people hesitate to one look at Zheng Yongjin ,reporting to the teeth .
relationresultIn QinTong walked into the lobby of the moment, the lobby immediately quiet down .Because the Zheng permanent diamond said chin Tong has died ,but they also for gospel truth ,but now a dead man is originally living appear in front of everyone ,this is a bit frightening .
relationresultIt is becauseparlor silence ,so Qin Tong and Ye Wu et al. The report also clearly and unambiguously into the parlour and ear curtain ,let people into extreme shock .relationresultZheng Yongjin had not said that Qin Butler had died ,so he is talking nonsense .
, relationresultbehind that three people like Zheng home medicine division apprentice ,but Zheng home medicine division apprentice how trust in our family ? , relationresultThe strange days carrying head is really Zheng Yongfu ,if so ,the Zheng family really doomed .
, relationresult... ... , relationresultWithchin Tong and Ye Wu together into the reception hall of the three person is indeed Zhengjia elixir division apprentice ,they enter the house ,he clings to the leaf martial side ,while Zheng Yongjin and Zheng Yuanhao look into their eyes blazing .
relationresultThe three masters ,we Zhengjia had always been you are not thin ,why are you so treat the Zheng family ? Zheng Yongjin a secret force storage ,while deep voice asked .relationresultUnfortunately,the three medicine division apprentice just stand quietly in the leaf Wu behind, don bother with Zheng Yongjin .
relationresultNo.Impossible. My grandpa is going to kill it ,it must be false . Zheng Yuanhao heard the words of Ye Wu ,he could not revive Qin Tong things, his eyes still stared at Ye Wu head ,mouth exclaimed .
relationresultHear thehysteric blue words ,Zheng Yongjin sun face became pale .Others do not know hysteric blue what they are ,too clearly ,when they buy Qin two family medicine division apprentice ,is to let them in the home of the Qin Dynasty .
Put a hysteric blue powder .relationresultHysteric bluepowder colorless and tasteless ,ordinary people use will not have any adverse reactions ,but for now it is a deadly poison ,because hysteric blue powder will inhibit the warrior in vivo seyen operation, if toxicity can not be timely relieve it, ultimately is a systemic work lost .
relationresultZheng Yuanhaodid not think of is ,himself to the home of the Qin Dynasty under the poison, twinkling Zhengjia will pay .relationresulthow could you do this ,what went wrong ...
... See everything with his plan to be quite different ,Zheng Yuanhao completely ignorant .relationresultZheng Yuanhaothought I reckon accurately ,today can be hard to humiliate Qin Houde and Qin days if ye are ,then unnoticed to find an opportunity to Qin uprooted ,lets him not think, oneself today was first Ling Phyl to humiliating ,closely followed by Qin Tianzong as a clown playing for a long time .
relationresultSee Zheng Yongjin andZheng Yuanhao sun Liagang to become powerful and intransigent ,arrogance matchless ,suddenly becomes driven to distraction as the lobby ,all confirmed by Qin Tong with strange strong just say all is the truth . Related articles:

