
beats by dr dre pro the realm of pra

The collapse of the housingof the Qin Fu voice finally put all the people in their wake ,like a swarm of bees swarmed to the Qin Tianzong yard in the direction of .relationresultBest wishes ,you understand the fire attribute this field? , relationresultAll the people,Xu Kun understanding of Qin Tianzong which for half a month in what ,to associate just Qin days if out of vision ,he could not help excitedly asked .
relationresultThank the old Xu guide work ,if not for you, I don can comprehend the fire properties of main field . Qin days if toward Xu Kun nodded ,his face full of gratitude smile .
relationresultYou really understand the fire properties of main field roar it too ... ... So that ... ... Guess that is one thing ,confirmed is another matter ,when Xu Kun confirmed that Qin Tianzong realized the fire properties of this field, he be struck dumb ,what has become stuttering .
relationresultQinpalace in many casual repair previously already got wind of Qin Tianzong many deeds ,that Qin Tianzong has made the water ice and snow country attribute field ,and witnessed the Qin days if have fire attribute this field ,they fear the Qin Yao longitudinal strength at the same time ,to whether to have the qualifications to become a follower of Qin Tianzong also becomes not confident .
relationresultQinand Qin Qin Houde et al in happy days if strength break again at the same time, their hearts are a little bit lost ,after all the Qin family transmission method is metallic, but Qin Tianzong has learned the two fields are not of metal ,which made their hearts are full of crisis feeling ,since Qin Tianzong is home of the Qin Dynasty culture from then on ,Qin Yao longitudinal family sense of identity and belonging naturally not too strong .
relationresultGrandpa ,I feel shy ,this breakthrough while movement is too large ,the yard to get out . See Qin Houde face uncertainty ,Qin days if all my doubts at the same time ,and apologized .
relationresultAll right ,yard no reconstructive is promoted ,your strength is more important than anything . Qin Houde also did not speak ,Qin would make a sound .relationresultQin HoucaiHello ,everyone into the living room ,greeting greetings ,Qin Houcai bulk repair to Wei Qin talented followers things said again .
relationresultWant to be my followers ,beats by dr dre pro,you have to protect my safety ,who considered themselves to have this capability ? Qin Tianzong is in the living room of thirty people swept again ,found his lowest is channeled exit warrior ,his highest also reached the Austrian soul habitat quality ,almost everyone was eager to look at yourself, he was not asked softly .
relationresultHearthe words of Qin Tianzong ,he has a half face looked disappointed ,want to protect the safety of Qin Tianzong ,at the very least the realm of practice ,innate state warrior with Qin talented side could not protect the Qin talented ,but are cumbersome .
relationresultI not twenty years old became the realm of monks ,but also has two fields ,who thinks of himself in the ten years after his realm can rank above me ? See only five Olympic spirit throughout the friar ,Qin Tianzong once again a voice .
relationresultQin Tianzongthis sentence out loud ,immediately and three Olympic spirit throughout the friars low-spirited retreated aside .relationresultTheOlympic spirit throughout the monk is very clear, with Qin Tianzong now show the strength and potential ,he said he is after a year break Austrian soul habitat quality are possible, Qin vertical-day mouth after ten years, is to leave them face .
relationresultQin Tianzonghearts never occurred in these people choose a follower ,so he was blunt ,want these scattered repair master out ,he did not expect his part that this last ,there are actually two people confidently standing in front of him by asking ,not to turn their attention to the final two personal .
relationresultOld gentleman large day ,thirty years ago is the Austrian days habitat quality ,just encounter the evil count, body toxic ,a repair was completely suppressed ,as long as Qin Xiaoyou has the ability to help dispel the in vivo toxicity ,I willing to life in Qin Xiaoyou .
relationresultEvenQin Xiaoyou cannot get rid of the in vivo toxicity ,as long as you are able to suppress the in vivo toxicity ,let me from poison when suffering ,I also can follow young friends around, until the less powerful than small friends leave again ! , relationresultOnQin Tianzong an age probably is similar with Qin Houde yellow elder proudly said ,although he has a hoarse voice ,but attitude can be neither humble nor pushy ,demeanor come very naturally to reveal a domineering .
relationresultAustrian days habitat quality ? Hear the Yellow elder ,Qin days if the appalling touching, to know South barren territory could not find Austrian soul habitat quality above repair soil ,and the yellow man is actually the Austrian environmental quality ,if he was able to remove the Yellow elder in vivo toxicity ,so it means he has a super bodyguard ?relationresultNot only is theQin days if startled ,almost all the people in the hall of the yellow man word was shocked .
relationresultThis halfmonths old ,yellow utterance is not much, never take the initiative to find a man accosted ,was asked in a timely manner, he had to answer, but who would have thought the old yellow ever is the Austrian days throughout the practice exists .
relationresultAustriandays habitat ,the realm of the peak level of existence, infinitely close to God strength ,I Wu Ling continent can not find how ,while their et al. Now he has been able to see an Austrian days habitat discrete people ?relationresultDo you have any evidence to prove that you are not lying ? Qin days if taken after a moment, he solemnly asked .
relationresultI practice realm although fell to Austrian soul habitat quality ,but I tactical and combat consciousness has not declined .The general Austrian soul exit monk is not my one enemy ,even if the ten Austrian soul exit together, they can also be unscathed ,although the strength of the Qin Xiaoyou side the Lich King in the general Austrian soul ,but I want to exit above ,uniform and his words ,he did not resist the opportunity .
Eagle proud day saying this, his eyes flashing out ,look to the side of the Qin Qin days if blood .relationresultQinblood at Jun Aotian referred to himself, he raised the alert ,eyes burst out the hot war ,but was proud day for the king gave a glance ,he is a shaking ,face a painful look .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 277th chapter humanoid monsters , relationresultJunTian Qin blood only saccadic eye ,he turned his gaze .King proud day .Just this eye has shown strength let Qin Tianzong convinced Jun Tian said .
relationresultThe old master ,huh, I felt as if faced with a head of nine order Lich King ,completely without it . Return to God Qin blood have a lingering fear at Jun Tian an eye ,with knowledge of God and Qin Tianzong interchange .
relationresultEven though theQin blood does not speak, Qin Tianzong is also well aware of what is going on .relationresultThetalented but saw Qin blood abnormal strength ,even if is Qin vertical-day himself ,he also did not hold completely to win the Qin Qin Jun in blood ,but blood proud days before has no resistance force ,what does this mean? This shows your proud day just remark has not the slightest exaggerated ,and that very conservative .
relationresultI now believe that your strength, but with so many years past ,no one can help you get rid of the in vivo toxicity ? Qin Tianzong looked back at your pride day, his eyes are no longer as previously like that haughty ,but asked suspiciously .
relationresulttook Wu Ling world each corner, also encountered the hundred ,or even drugs and drug first met ,but they told me the in vivo toxicity incapable of action .The last hope is to fall in the south wild within the trough body to God ,but God trough the hidden world does not go out, I couldn God trough entrance lies, just heard that you are God trough disciples ,this just try to . Related articles:

