
http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap acial appearance no

 "This matter should not deceive you, you have power to know."
The faraway Shuai grass accepts frost and snow and tossed around to depress to melt don't exert, raised a head to look up at an expanse of white heavy snow to cover with the whole blue sky all and snow, also remember and bless with Qi to greatly marry that day, there was snow also.
In those early years, carry on the back I up spent Jiao of is Han Ming ……
Have at present who come to carry on the back me to up spend Jiao, who come to accompany again I finish walking the road that my using to make an effort but also walking doesn't finish ……
In those early years, be indirectly harmed a dead Qi star by me ……
You make me promise you not drive this bloody empress temple pollution, can walk how far then walk how far, but walked for 11 years, I still stay around at first and stayed around this cold-blooded of palace in ……
The Qi blesses, you still chose to do a feather.
The Qi blesses, why want to walk first, why not be ability and Fu graceful to together living?
The Qi blesses, you can do a person of banality and take a wife to living son, total degree the bonds of family.
The Qi blesses, we can with each one square in the sky, but the heart is always and together.
Feebly lean on window Kan on, looking at at present this plum wood, present a light smiling face on the face, is sweet, is happiness, is grief, is deep in sorrow ……
Plum loaded many of my dreams.
The Qi blesses, but loads me for 11 years of sad and happy.
The deep deep breathing wears light plum joss-stick and also mixed up a to put on lonesome, my eyelid gradually closes, the Shan appears to bless with Qi in the brain of meet for the first time ……Qi the blessing give up an emperor for me for the first time ……the Qi bless to make me do his only wife ……the Qi bless the exploitation to me and injury ……the Qi bless to my smile and Nu ……
11 years take place of the whole be like a dream, unexpectedly in a hurry slide past in the brain like this, well quick!
Don't realize mistake how long as well, the orchid orchid finally cannot helped but to still keep pushing away the door of bedchamber, "empress, can not delay any more …… emperor and everybody big minister is in the main temple ……" door was pushed away by the Luo Zhi, her orotund Jia however, Jiang the Chi Chi stared at me at first.
She sobs and shivers but language, "empress, your hair!"
I look back a dynasty, she lightly smiles, the voice floats suddenly elusive and vain, also have the Yan the self-ridicule that doesn't live, "he died, why unmanned tell me?I still prepare to be the Chen imperial concubine who connects Xi and prepare to enjoy for life wealth and worldly glory ……"
Tears but Shu ground drop of orchid orchid fall and flow out deluge such as the spring, how ground all cannot stop.
North wind from window way slip away into, from back scatter I of the hair start to blow, a few wisps float to fall before chest, shiver to begin to lightly once fondle 1 wisp not to know when have already spent white hair, mumbling to oneself, "lead China wash to the utmost, grey hair beauty."Ever the asseveration of that sea change, eventually carried out.
Those juniority of dream, unexpectedly fleet away to go with the time, my old wish a become again change, arrive at present, I no longer know to still have what worth I pursue.
The chest is a burst of to sorely have muscular spasms, make I the nauseating gamey smell surge forward throat, the one mouthful deep red blood sprays and, what eye socket cover with is that how also wash don't exert of blood.
The moment is whole the individual be fished out, the body shakes in a flash, lightly such as that the plum flower being trampled upon by the north wind float to fall in the ground ……
This feeling already from become to recall
Scattered mandarin duck
Rain Xie is tiny cool
11 year ago dreams are a
After 11 years
Just when La month, the whole imperial palace is all covered with by that white snow, winds around to reside a cornice such as a silver Long Wo on, is a good sign.The color of the sky that the white receives mixs up with to repeatedly fly frost to start to fill the air built-up smoke wind and frost, the Huan is like fairyland.
Is a be dressed in the gorgeous white dress temple packs of the woman legs be hovered around but sat bed Ta on, skim to carry on the back to toward her but sit of a women cover with to spread grey hair between each waist and light and softly and fluently lead.The feeling of the endless vicissitudes of life at this time but seem to be abnormality soft United States, "mother imperial concubine, 11 years, don't you still wish to wake up?"This sentence is muttering, again is inquiring a grey hair women.
The grey hair women silently turns head, the Zheng wears a pair of empty have no divine of eyes stare at her, a words don't say and just see.
She throws down the ivory in the hand to comb, lightly fondle ascend a her eye tail and lips Cape that years leave behind the next trace, her facial appearance no longer such as 11 year agos that sort is glamorous, what to replace is that old trace, particularly is this of grey hair.11 years, greatly marry that day mother imperial concubine one mouthful sting purpose the blood spray and, surprised owner, also surprised two uncles.Bordered on crazy two uncleses to have no former dispassion, less the manner of great king, he at mother imperial concubine's in front, just a men, just connect Xi.
Two uncles ran out the whole ways life the close upon death female imperial concubine save to come to, but, the life lives down, but the vision is empty to have no absolute being, stare at us as the puppet Zheng Zheng ground.She knows that mother imperial concubine gain and loss, she loves most of the man has already left her and goes, her heart also early goes with that man.Only, two uncles are too selfish, even if is a Qu hull, he also wants to leave the mother imperial concubine.
"Mother imperial concubine, today, beginning snow want to do a matter.As long as this matter completed, the mother imperial concubine set free, and beginning snow ……also set free."Take back to daut in the hand of her cheeks, the vision contains a to put on old grudge unclearly of immediately elapse in the eye bottom only.
"The mother imperial concubine remembers that you once sang one song 《man chasing after woman 》 for me, I then and secretly made a firm decision at that time, learn good this song, in the future can also sing to let mother imperial concubine listen to.Today, beginning snow sings this to mother the imperial concubine listen to ……"she is up started by the bed Ta, the snow-white brocade silk dress Mei return the dance rise, the step supple Lue moves, she the side Mou Ying Ying lightly smile, if Yuan the absolute being of Luo water.
That kid experienced successively a vicissitudes of life for 11 years in those early years have already come to standing gracefully, this year, also should and Ji.
Pleased Kaifeng holds photograph, thin details, but see cherry lips red.
Liu Mei Dai, the star Mou is watery, the deep love idea is longer.Is infinite to adore to how tell?
The style style southeast hopes, one song man chasing after woman.
The voice is clear and crisp and elegant, round beam not unique.Sang Pan's jade of man chasing after woman to have with those early years in front of the Na orchid Xian cloud on putting together, even green proceed from blue.
Looking at at present gusset to dance in the wind, shallow sing pure sing of white dress woman, the Mou light of the grey hair women is one Shan, hand tiny tiny one Zhan, the recollection of heart's deepest place's seeming is arisen by this song, the vision tightly locks an at present young girl.
Moment, singing Jia however, her Jiang at first, deeply absorbed an one breath.
Some matters, the that time waited to solve.
She didn't hope a grey hair women again, just soft and charmingly turned round and left a this Qi cold big palace.
If she can look back to hope to always sit on the grey hair women on the Ta, probably she can see a drop of tears is slowly fallen by her canthus drop, and that fan the vision of the Mang is also immediately gradually clear.
The palace of Feng Que
Beginning snow carried a bowl of ginseng swallows' nest soup to walked into and hanged on the face consistent often have of smiling face, small run to shout, "two uncles, two uncles, beginning snow send soup for you."
"Does everyday wait your soup."Connect Xi to spoil the colourful Die that hopes to dance such as a Pian of Ni ground to fly into early snow of the palace of Feng Que, the radian of corner of mouth doesn't aware of self ground to up and only face beginning snow of time then he can release he to show a person thus.
"Two uncles drink quickly, Be getting cooler not drink."Beginning snow's gingerly passing to him, but seeing two uncles is just wanting an entrance of, an eunuch in a hurry rushed to come in, " emperor, not, not, not like ……Chen imperial concubine, she committed suicide by hanging to commit suicide!"
Connect Xi and beginning snow to hear this speech suddenly one Zheng, "Fu friendship ……" connect the Xi immediately let go of the soup desire in the hand to rush, beginning snow hurriedly pull his arm way:"Two uncles, I am personally the soup of your cook ……"
He hopes to fix attention on medium restraining tears early snow and has been already born in the Tong, there is flounder, even have an antinomy.In a moment, he starts to carry a table that soup, say with smile:"Beginning snow is personally the soup of two uncle cooks, how can two uncles not drink?"
Language, quaff in one gulp.
There is light grief in"I, see Fu friendship ……" his eyes, Fu friendship ……is finally awake to come over, after 11 years, she still wants to bless to leave together along with the Na orchid Qi, really have no person or matter that she can reluctant to part with in this in this world?
Beginning snow hopes two uncles' figures, deep and low way:"BE going to see a female imperial concubine?At the right moment, you can accompany a mother imperial concubine together God hall."Surprisingly, connecting the Xi didn't respond, still the one step one-steply walks forward.Beginning snow also companion he together walks forward, a put on naked Shan now the United States Mou in, "here inside inside the outside outside person have already become prince's elder brother's person, waits for this a moment,http://www.feedage.com/feeds/22517288/beats-by-dre-cheap, and he then can in clear and ordered patternly mount the throne for the emperor.

