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Return money, five grains of, Kui you say of exit!"
Gentleman Mo Xie Jiao get up:"Just sorcery mountain cloud but once say, I want what things, the lovely lotus that if not that wanting to model, will you make a convenience.You not ability so of stingy?"
"8 grain."
"Is too little!Minimal 40 grains!"
"Gentleman Mo Xie, you absolutely is make trouble without a cause!10 grain, not ability again many!"
"30 grain ……I am also end of charge, is lower than this number, really make me feel this come of whole nonsense, and sorcery mountain the words said by cloud Be also true to have no effect ……Kui I pointed out wrong path for you and did some help, you incredibly even none of this things give I, how did you do to come out?You how not bashful?Do you have the heart to do it?"
Haggling of some kind of vehemences after, Joe copies how ability have the enemy ever got big little lips gun tongue sword of gentleman?End settle at 20 grains of, gentleman Mo Xie breath a sigh of relief, in fact his best plan's wanting more than ten grains is getting more very good, can fight for to 20 grains, really is accident of pleased ……
Joe copies a bitterness Qiao face, felling oneself the brains is in a burst of of blurred, oneself how sparse in careless of a back again back, all the way severely defeated ……incredibly promised 20 grains?……Is the words that oneself speaks?
She but don't know, first, , although she is old, but have no how to get in touch with to die a vulgar world, social experience is little to be pitiful, second, , the benefit of gentleman Mo Xie's argument, contemporary if claim to be the second, so, no one dare from reside the first;Most important of is at 3:00:The gentleman is big little in the process of negotiation, lightly used**delude the dint of heart.
Joe's shadow in order not to realize, gentleman Mo Xie just lightly influenced for a while.But 2 people dispute originally fierce, Joe copies even if is again careful, is also the least bit didn't also realize, hence let this traitor come to an a purpose very easily ……
Now this mean 吅 public in just at smug:Indeed as expected is a chest to greatly have no brain, I see the chest of this wench not small!A hand seems to overaly not to live, at least is two hands then can hold, actually hold how degree is and also need to be measured personally, that has been already counted more ……
The gentleman is big little at attain the excitement of purpose under, almost want to come forward to use two hands really of', measure land"Joe copies the size of chest all of a sudden, luckily didn't really do, if really is an afraid of Joe big beauty Be about to ruin a promise and still need to beat mercilessly this rascal on the spot ……
Since negotiate already settle, connect down is the problem that hands over to answer.
Joe copies to return to ownly reside place and took out 20 grains of seeds to give the gentleman Mo Xie, but planted to how the lovely lotus for modeling move,is a great fee Chou Wei:"Gentleman Mo Xie, this ……how do you take?"
"You dig out for me, I have way to take naturally!"
Gentleman Mo Xie Tou doesn't lift an eye the way of Zheng is not.
Joe copies for of distemper, heart way this guy poured to really lead river to dismantle bridge, hasn't the river passed by now, he incredibly has already urgently started to treat of dismantle bridge ……
One spirit in heart, want to directly pull out for him to hurl.But want still ashamed, not only only could not do this to wait a matter, but also have is that she waited upon this lovely lotus so for several years, already feelings is deep, if because oneself causes lovely lotus' losing plant, Joe's shadow will not forgive himself/herself ……
Thinking along while is still digging out of light hand light feet are one stub, take the jade piece in very big a piece of Ying white, put to one again small smallly work properly jade box inside, pack spiritual influence to turn water.Formally pass the gentleman Mo Xie's hand ……

Chapter 175 never be polite!
Joe copies serious tunnel:"Gentleman Mo Xie, you don't want to take out to mix a dozen of sections with me, I formally please, certain!Must ……care good it!Which afraid you can't develop, just have been making it foolish in this box, as long as putting the place that increases in the spiritual influence, it matches just organic..if really don't go ……you then give° it me to send back, good?"
Say till the last a words, Joe copies unexpectedly take last a kind of tone of imprecation.This carriage is like a mother, is sending own dear daughter to get married ……
Gentleman Mo Xie feels she is heart and soul of the intention, facial expression a positive, the hands answered to come over and used the tone way of commitment:"Trust, you again see it of time, I promise it compare want to be much better now!, ,
The lovely lotus in the hand, the very small transparent leaf is lightly fluttering, seems to be just to copy to say good-bye with Joe;Joe copies heart in a sour, unexpectedly flow tear falls.
The gentleman Mo Xie's sensitive discovers that water in the pond, after ladling up out, obviously cave next go to a bit of, is like that the bowl with an invisible put at top, let surface sink under go to general, and water in the neighborhood, but is some Lian chair also have no just rise.
Lead very big short while, surface just resumed to be calm like mirror.
"Unexpectedly and almost solidly work properly a liquid ……..gentleman Mo Xie Xin in again some unbalance, see like this, this thing is also a good thing ah, there is good thing, and is again three greatest holy lands of ……oneself with what make them enjoy alone just?That is absolutely a crime!
Now this scene, nearby only have Joe to copy one person, is exactly a godsend, don't take white not to take, this cheapness, don't have white not to have …….
So once the gentleman Mo Xie's eye pupil turn, raise head very coolly and looking at way in the afar:"The spiritual influence of this place really makes people envy and sees there and unexpectedly is like a heavy mist general, in the place self-discipline like this ……Ze Ze,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre.you saint temple in the sky really make me look up at …….., .
Joe copies subconscious of see go along with the direction that he sees, not from lightly smile one- track:"The gentleman childe at present can see walk an eye, there isn't a world spiritual influence, but actually true at of is fog of the evening to annoy, the color of the sky has been soon black.
Gentleman Mo Xie takes once she turn the effort of head and secretly start Hong hook tower and launch the dint of water, Sou of a , the spiritual influence in the pond's turning water has already obscurely disappeared three cents of 1 ……
He the embarrassed color of one face, ashamedly touched touch a head, He He nose, the Hey Hey says with smile:"Ah?Is this true?I unexpectedly saw wrong ha ha ha ……, what to smile is very some ashamed
Joe copied badge to smile to smile and made allowance for him embarrassed, also ashamed say again, in the heart but is a move:Originally this youth, after all wear many youth's temperaments also still just.do not say, he just embarrassed abashed of smile of the appearance is also really good-looking ……..
Gentleman Mo Xie fully satisfiedly steal thing.dulcify in the heart, at this time just observe to begin a medium lovely lotus, Jean but heavy of of looking at this very small plant in hand, looking at it carefully withered hurl under, numerous thin root as visiting silk the beard be lightly spreading. centrally of position, there is a piece of and soft and tender jade Ou.This jade Li is at most absolutely small wretchedness, estimate is also have a shelled peanut size, there is also no strange flavor, but hold in the hand, is naturally feel mind comfortable great ……
Once the gentleman Mo Xie's wrist turn over, the lovely lotus disappears to disappear in hand and has already got into the space of the tower of Hong Jun inside.Copy difficult to express taste of surprised Cha at Joe in, gentleman Mo Xie Song shrugs shoulders, the innocence of the one face.Blinked to blink eyes, way:"Secret!"
Joe copies hum a .heart in but is just some trust:Gentleman Mo Xie just wears 1 F doesn't exert of mysterious means, probably, he canned really feed a lovely lotus don't be able to know as well ……
Connect down, gentleman Mo Xie started real fox leave tiger Qi, because had sorcery mountain the person's commitments like cloud,etc, working properly of saint top of hill in the sky medicine, almost allow him to demand everything!
But this guy is again a factory to never know a polite person, thought whole life probably comes right away here this once in the heart, that could not also wear a connecting of strength to pare off to treat more when?And there is also the full baby whom the this etc. of Wang Gou Ta almost can keep on packing the whole world to also not necessarily pack, whole without cares at home, certainly possibly of the Zheng is big eyes.
Saint top of hill in the sky works properly a medicine, genius ground treasure.he exclusively picks time limit long of, include Xuan to work properly wood etc., similar all don't pass each time.Is all pick out, all hanged one in the top very small Related articles:

