
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM re the wild goose s

The south flew to hand over to affairs all an underneath of personnel processing, but he then usually closes the border self-discipline and refines a Dan medicine by himself, he wants to develop troops always, troops have been all constituting to°from the above superior of absolute being class, have been canning resist with the mainland of absolute being of troops.
Under the arrangement that the wild goose south flies, more than 100,000 superiors in the China field in addition to take a Dan medicine every day the self-discipline is alone and also carry on strategies training, from wolf*especially department be responsible for training.
Although their real strenght didn't specially and obviously progress,can already use some more simple strategies, under the help of strategies, wild goose south's flying confidence to tie up an absolute being king , certainly, is absolute being king a person alone under the circumstance.Strategies' drilling is continuing,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, a lot of none of greatly large strategies that kill to harm dint are momentary halfs to engrave to learn.
The matter of training urgently doesn't come, the wild goose south flies and beats the idea to the Lai in the western empire, Lai west empire people's customs the young tiger is fierce, excel to ride to shoot, is had better ride soldier troops source.As long as captured Lai west empire, the wild goose south fly and then can set up one to ride the soldier sweeps by making a mainland of use.Although his under charge has already ridden a soldier as well, and still the evil monster ride a soldier,calculate not ascend real meaning up of ride a soldier, and the soldier is limited, mainly is sit to ride difficult look for.
The wild goose south flies fog forest the fan turn over over, also just make several 100,000 evil monsters to sit to ride, think to increase again, very difficult.Lai west the empire is different, Lai west empire is a steppe nation, have plenty of good horse, the set sets up to ride a soldier had better however.
Now, the opportune moment has been mature, Lai west empire already in-fighting must about, already the nothing important resistibility is hungry.If this continues, the resourceses all consumed only, at that time captured a nothing important also use, on the contrary is a burden.
Send army quickly!Wild goose south's flying has already worked well preparation!An a long while ago Yue sky at prepare.

Volume 6 grows chapter 25 easily crush enemy resistance
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Chapter 25 is easily crush enemy resistance
The boundary of the Lai west empire, the power and prestige blows to kiss, the one grass sprinkles green jade wave.
At this time, on the boundary, the Jing ensign floats to shake, shadow of human figure interleave, an eye hopes to go, there is no limit.
A lot of persons, well tidy impression of army!Let people praise highly!
BE what Mi soldier's boundary?Be fighting again!
All of these are a skies, Long Guo's troops , since their features saw, absolutely was a crack troops.
Stand most before and in the center in the troops of is riding the handsome youth of a head of four meters high woman without pubic hair, youth's noodles contains a smile, natural and unrestrained and matchless, air resolute and firm, look in the eyes sharp-edged, isn't an easy to handle lord on seeing.He was a wild goose south to fly.
The left side that flies in the wild goose south, station of is a Qiong Si, he rides of nine class evil monster armor burning dragon, armor burning Long Kuai Tou than woman without pubic hair still big, the foot has eight meters much long, whole body scale in the sun flickering give out light.The armor burning dragon belongs to nine class great king within evil monsters, not only physics defendoof top-grade, the sorcery defendoofs also very high, and his dint is big everlasting, attackstone dint very violent, ability spray flame and kill to harm the enemy out of ten meters.
The sky of the Yue stands on the wild goose south to fly the right side, it is an article to sit to ride the evil monster lightning flash is in nine classes leopard.Lightning flash leopard at a 'quick'word, the disease is like lightning flash, its attack means is mainly an use electricity to fasten sorcery.The lightning flash leopard is a wild goose the south fly exclusively a sky to the Yue install of sit to ride.
This time send army totally 800,000, for carrying on a steppe battle, all go together with last war horse.
The iron blood army corps of Yue sky started out 450,000, 50,000 guard fierce elder brother's city, Long Jun Zhi in the sky started out 50,000 evil large unit of ridings(army corps dragon in the sky totally have 100,000 evil large unit of ridings now, iron blood army corps also has 50,000 evil large unit of ridings.).Moreover, the mighty army army corps also started out 300,000 and handed over to the leadership of Qiong Si, they main purpose be come to battlefield experience and training of, but male Ba the sky then stay to guard a northern frontier, and train soldier.
The wild goose south flies a way:"The sky of the Yue, I hand over to you this war, you have confidence with one action but next?"He points at anterior card to fill city, the card fills although the city is placed in a boundary,have been Lai for a hundred years west the empire press a blue emperor Si federal country to beat, so the card fills city elephant iron blood fortress not is so hard, defendoof also is as just about as common city.
Yue God's way:"Return to country gentleman his majesty, I have confidence to with one action take down card to fill city!"He air determination, and some concussion.
"Good!However, notice a point, don't can kill innocence indiscriminately, we is receive, be not massacre.Strike against card to fill city is directed by you, after breaking city divide soldier's two roads, respectively from you in command of with Qiong Si, finally at Lai west the city join forces for battle.Must notice, treat kindly common people, all of them are our subjects of a ruler hereafter."The wild goose south flies to seem to be great waves not surprised, imitate Buddha Lai west the empire have been general in hand.
"BE!King his majesty!"
The sky of the Yue immediately starts adjusting soldier Qian will, offend a city war soon Be about to beat to ring.
The card fills city the inside have no how much troops, only 100,000 don't arrive of motley troops unfit for combat duty, strong of the soldiers all pulled to fight civil war.See so many sky of Long Jun arrival, the armed forces and people in the city all peep out the color of despair, ghost in the city cries wolf Hao and becomes one indiscriminately.
The sky of the Yue didn't immediately take the offensive, but came forward an appeal:"The persons of inside all listen to, I am the chief of iron blood army corps Yue sky.As long as you give up to resist to surrender, I not only don't kill you, but also you Long Guo's citizen treat on that day."He uses ascend Dou spirit, the voice spreads very far.
"Do not go, can we believe you?We two lead is a feud between families, we opened city, you would annihilate a city."
Yue God's way:"That is the Lai west the old grudge of the empire and blue emperor Si federal country, we are a skies now, Long Guo, two countries have no old grudge.And our king his majesty kindness, come to rescue yours.As long as following our Long Guo in the sky, you edible satisfied wear warm."
"The prestige of the Yue great commander soldier in the sky likes a thunderclap piercing the ear and believe that the general can't take a words basket us, however, we still need to negotiate for a while."
"Good!I wait your quarter, quarter I see again after whether launch aggression."
Have no in city voice, obviously negotiate.
The wild goose south flies the way of doing to the Yue sky very satisfied, he has no because the former old grudge hoodwinks eyes, this is what wild goose south fly to want to see most .He offends city to hand over to Yue this time in command of for sky, is also want to see Yue for sky can fitting processing.
Make a noise again on the city wall in a short while:"If the Yue great commander soldier in the sky, we decide to believe you, we surrender!"
"Come!Open city gate, accolade Long Guo in the sky's troops go into the city."
The card filled city to take down smoothly, can be thus smooth, completely because Lai west empire the imperial house have already lost a popular support, otherwise still need to cost one time of turning over.
The battalion filled city to take a rest for a day in the card, and take out a food for cent to the common people and the soldier.The common people in the city were for a long time all hungry, sallow and emaciated of, the whole a group of refugees.Get for a sky, helping of Long Guo, the card fills the armed forces and people of city to just truely return heart.
With soldier since then of the manager enter upon to arrange the armed forces and people that the card fills city, would like to leave of leave, would like to go to for a sky, Long Guo of can also, they all arrange orderly.
A day the battalion set out again after, iron blood army corps left 20,000 people to manage card to fill city, other of divide soldier's two roads to set out according to the plan.
Wild goose south's flying don't go on an expedition with the soldier, he stays at the card fill city and pay attention to take the offensive of war situation.Deal with fragmented and disorganized Lai west empire, he is to don't worry at all, even he thinks to don't challenge, even fight all nonappearance, he became a logistic officer and constantly and continuously adjusted to gather supplies and personnel and prepared to receive to attack and occupy at any time of city defense.
Two road soldiers making progress easily crush enemy resistance don't meet very smoothly and almost what holdout, and continuously have already started revolution a soldier to join an attack troops in.Certainly there is also the person of some dead loyalty, give the sky Long Jun to bring many troubles.
Only five day, two road soldiers pushed forward 300 kilometers and captured five cities.Lai west the empire is a steppe nation, none of defense of the city is high, just make for a sky, Long Jun can have no baffling aggression, and a lot of cities didn't°yet opened dozen and then surrendered.
Five day is after,

