
cheap beats by dre students are appea

Crank to refining nether blood ,he is left .relationresultHoweverthe ancestor seems to be underestimated in the face a patient and that the large grinding power, without a face character looks like a inexhaustible mana ,continuous use of blood fist to attack Hades blood ,engulfed in fog and its blood ,grinding with constant phagocytosis of gloom and a sea of blood Shura people into blood fog ,is actually getting big ,eventually was turned into blood and gloom of the same size .
relationresultWithits large mill continues to expand ,it swallowed the nether blood and Asura race speed is more fast ,a massive blood column is that the large grinding phagocytosis ,an Asura tribe in the scream was engulfed in that large mill ,while the blood is black in a visible to the naked eye speed down ,watch is to dry the trend .
relationresultThis situationit has continued ,in the blink of an eye is a month but in this one month, no face freak and that large grinding every hour and moment phagocytic nether blood and Asura tribe ,finally a month after ,so that there are thousands of years between the disappearance of the .
relationresultIn this monthtime in the underworld ,the forces of the parties are aware of nether blood war happened here ,but nobody dared here to check, because in this war erupted in mana and pressure is too large, they do not want to be hurt ,are waiting quietly the war came to an end .
relationresultBut in a month,nether blood finally is faced with dried up ,river Styx ancestor and Brahma and several other students are appeared in the nether the bottom, looking at their feet with only a little blood, even if it is the ancestor is a fucking way ,how are is not willing to trust their own eyes all this is true ,however, that from time to time to head that mill mana fluctuation to they said ,all of this is true .
relationresultNowwhether the old or Brahma and several other students ,their alter egos that mill has been swallowed into the hundreds of millions of people ,and there is not much left.
The Asura ,powerful spirits education has been without a face character alone destruction ,the river Styx Hades ancestors this brother against is too much ,so that he could not accept it all ,just with a look at the top that the large mill .
relationresultBut this time,the head that mill was a little smaller ,finally a palm-sized ,landed in a shadow hands ,and this figure is that without a face character ,in his will that the large grinding away ,is slowly toward the dried black blood fell, in the blink of an eye is to the old and Brahma et al .
relationresultHowever,when no face character stands in Stygian ancestor and Brahma and others ahead of time ,all eyes are shrinking ,as hell as at the station in front of them people ,are a pair of dementia appearance, eventually the old ancestor come, put out his hand to the people in front ,panic and said , how are you ? , relationresultInthe front of our already no longer is the face character ,but with a normal human face man ,and this man face was as like as two peas and Kong Yuchang ,it is because of this, the ancestor they a see ghosts ,can the picture is true .
relationresultJustsee no face when the crank ,ancestors is sure that it is a true face no face ,does not use mana turned out, but now stood in front of him jade is no mana break ,this is his real face, which makes the ancestor of some unacceptable ,is this world there are two holes on the jade ?relationresultThe secondwho ?How did he appear in this world ?relationresultchapter four even more ,thank you ,cheap beats by dre,next time with more in thirty-eight thousand when the flowers .
, relationresult , relationresultThe 523rd chapter to Ksitigarbha ( on) , relationresultThe problem of anancestor in the river Styx and Brahma et al was haunted ,and they shared a problem is that the world is it right? There are two hole jade ,and the two Kong Yu that was so bad .
And no matter what is the ancestor or Brahma and others are sure ,in front of the Kong Yu and the last time that Kong Yu is not a man ,because they smell just like .relationresultLast came tothe black hole of jade ,whether in the face of who ,is a healthy body ,without any trace of evil smell ,even and the ancestor ,demon division of ROC ,land pressure three people during the war ,are also the work in just ways ,without using any machinations ,use mana is not a pathogen, even the old had to admit that the last encounter Kong Yu is a right person .
relationresultHowever,this time appearing in the ancestors before them the hole jade ,the body is not a healthy existence, revealed breath completely is the evil ,and the evil breath very strong ,even the old feeling that an evil smell are some cold ,these two very different notes that the ancestors sure this one Kong Yu and met Kong Yu is not a person .
relationresultAnd thistime Kong Yu is obviously than last time that much light is from Kong Yu ,this time the hole jade can refining nether blood ,will the old force come to this is already can illustrate this point .
The last that although Kong Yu badly ,but far still did not reach that level ,and the ancestor is a guess ,this time the Kong Yu was refining nether blood ,perhaps to let his face on it, otherwise ,the moment they see also is not the face eccentric .
relationresultWhilethe old guess exactly ,without a face is to refine the gloom of crank is to be able to let his face turned out ,while the become and Kong Yu as like as two peas characters seem to be what they are very satisfied ,will he surveyed before look up to the old man, then with a smile ,to the ancestors said , true spirit origin ,succumbed to me ,otherwise die .
, relationresultAlthoughwith a smile on his face ,but listen to the second hole of the cold jade ,including the ancestor of everyone is felt a shiver ,but no one dares to make any angry response ,while the second hole of the nether blood jade refining ,the old father they have lost the greatest rely on ,nature is not able to secure to rely on as before ,because now they were beheaded ,no longer able to resurrect ,will completely disappear in smoke .
relationresultUnder the threat of deathbefore, they can only choose to surrender ,even if the heart can not reconciled are of no use ,and they have no resistance to the idea, because they know ,resistance will only accelerate their death .
The ancestor he gave a long sigh ,subsequent in vivo mana operation ,a light from the old brow injection ,toward the second hole jade fly, is the ancestor to surrender his true spirit origin .
relationresultKong Yu looked atthe second ancestors surrendered true spirit source ,face there was a smile again ,in his heart that the large grinding a black light flashing ,suddenly is the true spirit of Styx ancestor source absorption into it, and then put up .
And saw the second Kong Yu this action ,the ancestor although eyes shrinkage, but also did not dare say anything ,because he knew that after their death is the master in the second hole jade hand .
relationresultEventhe old are surrendered their true spirit source ,Brahman ,disciple and there is not much left. The Asura race are also have surrendered their true spirit source ,a Related articles:

