
cheap beats by dre is the game !The

By the camp only need to work in gold ,was estimated using the transmission time will loose a lot, so, game player exchanges and camp before separation ,there is no much difference .Four gold coins ,anyone can afford .
relationresultHowever,from this announcement from the time ,free camp ,about to become each regional commercial center ,and to the body for free camp Viscount he ,is undoubtedly a good news, he want to open stores ,in free base, also be much simpler .
After all, he is a privileged !relationresultFrom thesystem that is not too long announcement, Xiao Hua was keen to capture some vague information !relationresultLight and darkcamp confrontation, this is not a game theme !The second world is a global game ,if only to light and dark factions opposing ,game will apparently be confined in a city ,is the largest to a large area of the scale, it is difficult to be expanded !But in fact ,the competition between country and country, this is the game !The initial game ,each national publicity ,are used to carry the game China home and area of honor .
relationresultNowthe game announcement ,also clearly revealed this information .Ahead of schedule third chapter in the region ,in the fully open transmission function, this area of the game player exchange is no longer restricted, game player will grow faster .
Conversely ,those who have not completed the third chapter game plot area ,game player exchanges is limited, and the game player ,will fall behind .relationresultBut thisbackward is only temporary ,the game light and dark confrontation ,took the lead in accomplishing the task areas, because the light side game player ,system may not because other areas dark camp strong and make this area to lag behind ,as long as the dark camp victory ,system give special awards ,certainly can make this area of the game player overall strength enhancement .
relationresultAs for thedark and light camp the same strength .The task has been each sticks to his own stand. Area ,system how to handle ,Xiao Hua could not guess .It that ,when the game area boundary completely open, between country and country is at war, the same area, light and dark factions are opposite ,or one camp annexed another camp ,make the whole area into a single camp and so on ,Xiao Hua is completely unknown .
relationresultShook his head,Xiao Hua did not continue to think about these things ,he should do now ,is immediately to Piaoxue city region free camp city winter city ,using the terms then, buy the most valuable lot !relationresultA blueportal ,Xiao Hua tread .
Flash back to Piaoxue city .relationresultCalled thewagon, Xiao Hua a few minutes after the emergence of the transmitting array .Along the way, Xiao Hua saw a lot of people are in transmission in the past, and he seems to have the same thoughts people ,is really many !relationresultPermanenttransfer cards still have utility ,Xiao Hua selection is transmitted to the winter city ,system not to collect his money ,he will be passed to the winter city .
relationresultWintercity is the region of free city ,the city area is the same as the winter is not how big ,and the yellow wind city, city without any means of transport, but the network is good cheap Xiao Hua ,his speed is fast without words .
relationresultAtransfer matrix ,Xiao Hua immediately found nearby, ask the main residence in the city ,and then opened the state ,plus the ultimate force ,quick to rush residence .relationresultCitycannot be used in the mount ,together with Xiao Hua from the transfer matrix ,even more than Xiao Hua two minutes earlier in the game player is desperately towards the city palace rushed past, has accelerated skills ,one of the two are used .
relationresultChinaDistrict ,each region of the free city ,mostly free city ,apart from the beginning, because a lot of game player needs to meet the task ,and had a jolly time ,it looked much is mostly free ,after all the people ,are in bright camp live habits ,and free camp in cold enough, no special task ,except for some task game player ,usually in the streets to find a figure is difficult .
relationresultButto this day ,all free camp city is boiling up !relationresultThe freecity area is not large ,the house is finite, who grabbed a set a good house, used to store opened, it means everfount guests ,billow and come !relationresultBeenlonely freedom city streets ,the ramming appeared together again in speed is not a figure !But in addition to winter camp outside all of the free city ,without any one city ,appeared so quickly !relationresultIt is awhite figure such as thunder ,running figure ,such as a disease Light movie from tens of hundreds of game player in front of over !A second will be able to pass nearly twenty meters ,even a level Four mounts ,speed than the white ,also be big as !relationresultSo amazingspeed ,see not fear anomaly !This speed means nothing, needless to say they are clear, once together, they even chance does not exist !relationresult!Who is this guy ? In the front of the crowd ,a running fat is the white from the side after a freeze after they ,cannot help his tract .
relationresultThefat man is not others ,is a cornucopia of boss fee .Camp separation ,the greatest harm is the old fee this occupation businessman ,dark group of people cannot enter into the light side ,that is to say ,his customers were reduced by half ,business to drop apparently impossible .
relationresultBefore theold charges also thought, the auction house moved to winter city the three camps are free and out of the city ,but the winter city circle, old charges up his playing of winter city ,to put it mildly ,fewer people quiet ,didn love he not egg place .
Pay a high price for the auction to winter city ,estimated to even the residue is not left .relationresultBut the oldfee how also think system this will come to hand ,now in a blink of an eye ,the free city of the premium on the appreciation of hundreds of times ,if he will buy it ,now developed .
relationresultButGod seems to he is thin ,system issued a notice ,he is not too far away from the transfer matrix ,who also took the transfer license card ,immediately became first reached the city of winter .
relationresultBut the oldfee also know ,as long as it is in the game player ,the most he can more than others to two or three minutes only, so he told the men to come ,while trying to run the rely through one .
relationresultHad not thought that only thenwent to half ,even the official residence of the shadow had not seen ,was to exceed the .relationresultThis fucking speed ,is that not to steal Renqi ? But the old fee in this crucial hurried ,mind is awake .
In the snow town ,can have this speed ,he can get the best equipment is the body the Xiao Hua .relationresultThe oldfee as a boss, grade is not how, although all were added agile ,make some of the faster ,but compared to high grade game player ,speed or many, estimated later, he is now the advantage will disappear to clean out completely .
relationresultDon brothers ,in the winter white is it right? You ? But the old fee soon had to ask Xiao Hua for help ,he decided to buy a house !relationresultHey ,is my .Fee boss to let me buy you a good location is the house ? Xiao Hua rush ,is still seen in the old fee plump figure .
Since 6 but know old charges him for anything .relationresult,please do not steal a brother for help ,the old fee I will be indebted forever ! Old charges quickly replied .Snow town ,and Piaoxue city the same area of the dark camp city ice windy city .
But not only is he a big store ,not a good position ,but in the starting line to lose a piece of ,cheap beats by dre!relationresultHelp you is no problem ,but the cost of the boss .I was just taking the Related articles:

