
Beats by Dr Dre studio tYour brother my

XiaoHan with purple mirror together ,don her ability to bear ,because of the woman physical than humans are so much better ,and purple mirror is the abuse of nature ,so he is always very purple mirror rough and wild !relationresultPurple mirroralso is like Xiao Han rude was wild, every time so she can meet greatly, all body and mind are all addicted !relationresultIn fact,Xiao Han had a fire ,the fire is that Huo Xiaoyu gave him ,just now ,he did it with good child ,eyes should emerge out of Huo Xiaoyu every twinkle and smile ,so the purple mirror body, he has a to vent their impulses ,the Huo Xiaoyu was born in his mind .
,just smiling at him, like ridicule ,also like the temptations ,make him a big boy !relationresultKuwait nearly twohours ,Xiao Hancai in purple mirror the in vivo release the essence of life .
relationresultThreepersonal cleaning it, from the hot springs pool ,put on clean clothes ,returned to the room under the water .relationresultXiaoHan did not let purple mirror returned to the room to sleep alone ,but allowed her to stay .
relationresultThepurple mirror ,right is so big ,three people close together ,each other feel each other heartbeat ,all can .relationresultSweetness, boa has news ! Xiao Han thought, about Ning Baoer.
He should not her .relationresultBoa is who ? So big a failed to react, asked .relationresultYour brother ,my brother . Xiao Han tao .relationresultIgot so big ,climb up, just staring at Xiao Han ,not to say a word .
relationresultXiaoHanxun is also followed up ,purple mirror also collateral body looked at two people ,do not know what happened ?relationresultI want to see him ! So big was very firm said .
relationresultXiaoHanyao shook his head : I still don know where he is ,people just know his message . , relationresultWhat man? Ning Xin asked .relationresultA woman ,named Huo Xiaoyu ,is the day fox .
Xiao Han said .relationresultPurple mirrorlittle exclamation : met day Fox family ? , relationresultyou know the day Fox family ? Xiao Han amazing road .relationresultPurple mirrorpoint nodded: sky Fox family at charm and changes of the operation ,a mysterious energy, sky Fox family disrupt the world, said that on the day when Fox family life ,are the mythical war began precursor ! Purple mirror said .
relationresultThis legend is similar with the human world ,however, experienced so many war between gods and ghosts ,why the sky Fox family has not become extinct ? Xiao Han channel .
relationresultSky Fox family legend has a refuge ,when war between gods and ghosts to be the end of the day Fox family ,will automatically disappear from the mainland ,to the refuge to survive ,then the next war between gods and ghosts ! Purple mirror said .
relationresultThe refuge in your world ? , relationresultOf course not ,except outside the abyss ,other places are searched ,no day Fox family ! Purple mirror replied .relationresultIt will be in the world ? , relationresultMaybe ,but if in the spirit world ,also have been found ,according to my judgment ,day Fox family refuge might be in the world ! Purple mirror said .
relationresultThe human world is the largest community ,Beats by Dr Dre studio,few people tread ,even tens of thousands of years of human can not reach the place has a lot of ,it is difficult to know the day Fox family hide in where .
So big .relationresultthirty years could not find your brother this day Fox family is how to find ? Xiao Han automatic speaking ,this is also he suspected that Huo Xiaoyu lied to his reason is it right? .
relationresultThe warseems to be going in the orc and outbreak among humans ,it seems to have no suspense ,the orcs and humans are actively preparing for war ,this war is the relationship of time .
relationresultGod ,that Huo Xiaoyu told you my brother whereabouts ? Ning Xin anxiously asked .relationresultXiaoHan shook his head : no ,she wants me to help her to do one thing ,will tell me .
, relationresultWhatNing Xin asked .relationresultTo kill a person . , relationresultTo kill a person ? So big I stay .relationresultXiaoHan said: this person is the spring garden behind the master ,is also a woman ,very mysterious .
, relationresultPurple mirrorturned slightly changed, said: Sir, you doubt spring garden behind the woman is dead princess dark quiet ? , relationresultXiaoHan nodded his head and said: this time the Empire in the canonization of the list ,also more than a strange titles ,division, this title in the human world also does not see more ,but the normal or heard of a woman ,and is a human .
, relationresultYou mean you have dark nether princess with orcs Empire confluent ,they reached a secret agreement ? Purple mirror forecast .relationresultNot now ,orcs Empire thing ,the human world countries do not interfere in the good, even if that is the case ,we have no reason to forbid others to dark secluded princess is related .
Xiao Han tao .relationresultIf that is so, the day Fox family Huo Xiaoyu why should you kill dark secluded Princess ? Be not a little bewildered road purple mirror .relationresultThe answer only they know .
Xiao Han headache , but Huo Xiaoyu did not limit the time limit ,so we have time to figure out the inside relationship . , relationresultThirty years have been waiting ,also do not care about more than a year ! So big understanding said .
relationresultSweetness, thank you ! , relationresultWhat ,if not for you ,I wouldn have known this news ,say ,I believe that you will find my brother . Full of tender feelings ,so big .
relationresultGo to sleep, you will have to dress rehearsal ,acquired will be performed ! Xiao Han I will so big pulling bed down ,not a few hours before dawn ,hasten to rest .relationresultSpring garden,at the death scene ,a perfect curve figure standing dead long before the fair ,she also stood behind the two people ,one is Xiao Han and dragon five to see the driver ,there is a dark cold breath exudes bloody young man .
relationresult,is what killed Phil? A as if from nine from cold spring sounds from two piece of purple lips came out of it .relationresultKiller.Moro is that radiates cold blood and breath of young people ,he seems to be a miser with words ,do not want to say a single word .
relationresultMore than you ? , relationresultDon ,technique mature, without leaving a trace ! Moro said .relationresultTo find him, and kill him for me ! The black woman burst channel .
relationresultIs !Moro with a bow ,went out of the room .relationresultOh ,I a good sister ,how do you have the time to sister here ? Huo Xiaoyu voluptuous figure appeared in the doorway ,smiling face .
relationresultfox ,here is my place, you give the princess roll away ! Woman in black crevasse called .relationresultOur day Fox family not show no ah ,which compares to you this little tip blood lotus ah ,I do not understand how to love your majesty this iceberg as woman ! Huo Xiaoyu lazy a frowns .
relationresultHuo Xiaoyu ,if you don your day Fox family forever gone ,just give me away from here ! Dark secluded princess become shame tract .relationresultHum ! Huo Xiaoyu turned and walked to bring contempt upon oneself ,Shi Shi ran Road, a little sister ,you wait ,you ask me ! , relationresultThe 362nd chapter :the spirit of the knight ( a ) .
relationresultbig ,small ,met a lady ! The very next day early in the morning, Xiao Han ordered cat will the Catwoman twin sisters to so big .relationresultSo bigsurprise stared at the Related articles:

