
Beats By Dr Dre Studio faction and prima

San Bai Suzhen in this world ,everything finally is down, feel very relaxed, but at that moment ,Bai Suzhen mood seems to improve a lot .relationresultFahaidied, his revenge ,Bai Suzhen heart of a peaceful and quiet ,looked up at a distance is and Li Yu war hole jade ,Bai Suzhen holds the bone sword build flash but also toward the Shushan sword school Tian-gang dipper sword array and large array rushed past Purdue Cihhang ,hole jade help her report her ,she is naturally to help Kong Yu complete the big industry ,Beats By Dr Dre Studio,green and black dragon king followed also flew toward the front ,soon joined the war .
relationresultWhileBai Suzhen and Kong Yu who they teamed up to shoot the picture falls on the primary purification followers of eyes ,but also let them feel very shocked ,primary purification disciples are not believed to have had taken the normal progenitor what may be Kong Yu such a only refine virtual integration and a heavy day .
To execute ?relationresultDisappear in smokeis at sea ,they also have to believe it ,presided over the Purdue Cihhang large array of Nanhai God ,see who was beheaded ,heart is also thrown at Purdue Cihhang monstrous rogue waves ,large array outside of violent attack various magic figure ,South Sea ,finally realized the seriousness of the situation, now she is about to get Kong Yu this has serious consequences ,but now she is in no way .
relationresultOfferingup bipolar magnetic bottle ,endless magnetic from bipolar magnetic bottle making ,continue to be close to the primary Purdue large array enemy suction bottle refining ,although time destroy a magic figure ,but the God of Nanhai ,but know that this isn go on for long ,because she knew the hole is not afraid of her jade bipolar magnetic bottle ,as long as Kong Yu .
The battle ended, so is their side to arrival time .relationresultLook atthe present situation, the South China Sea God ,know Shushan sword school and primary purification has it is all up with ,although they are two of many disciples, but Kong Yu brought many people, but also are one of the fear of death magic figure ,in which the Xiangliu ,devils in animal forms ,Shi potian and Yuqing reality is sector less some master ,and there are many disciples Kunlun faction had shot .
relationresultSo whetherthey cannot resist ,it is impossible to defeat Kong Yu in their side ,if a word ,so can only lead to crowning calamity ,the South China Sea ,for God is absolutely do not want to see things ,primary purification several thousands years of development not in her hand was destroyed, so the side resistance the South China Sea ,attack ,God is about to run away .
relationresultNow the only way is toescape, only to escape, then the sector so broad ,and there will always be their shelter in place ,as long as the primary vegetarian static inheritance did not cut off, so they hang vegetarian static or will have rise one day, but in the face of all the gods very large array ,the South China Sea ,but do not know the God how to escape .
relationresultfor flowers and all kinds of tickets ,thank you support . , relationresultThe 245th chapter (two ) as to the Kunlun , relationresultPrimarypurification as one of the three major sects sector ,its implication nature is very deep ,door disciple tens of thousands more, and this time all the disciples formed the Cihang Purdue large array is also extraordinary power ,gave Kong Yu the numerous master siege are not able to be breached ,opposite also hosted large array of Nanhai God and killed many people .
relationresultButnow the situation in the South China Sea to God is merciful ,see vegetarian static situation ,if she doesn want to get liberation vegetarian static the disciples to leave by the words ,then wait for their will is no doubt the destruction ,because you want to make them surrender Kong Yu is impossible .
relationresultIn order tobipolar magnetic bottle will continue the attack Cihhang Purdue large array of a beheaded ,in the face of increasingly fierce attacks, Nanhai God ,finally made a decision ,but she will bipolar magnetic bottle offering up toward the sky ,suddenly in the fly ,fly to a large array of Purdue Cihhang over ,and expanded to a mountain size ,everfount magnetic from which to pour out .
relationresultOffensivePurdue Cihhang large array is the Xiangliu devils in animal forms ,and Shi potian and other demons gate disciple ,they saw the God of Nanhai ,the bipolar magnetic bottle offerings ,are also changed face ,if not the God of Nanhai ,possession of the bipolar magnetic bottle so that they can ,he already is the Purdue Cihhang large array break .
relationresultLook atthe jade Qing real hot ,and north is king ,green robe ancestor and King black dragon ,Shimo Jin ,Xiao et al Shushan sword school Tian-gang dipper sword array pressing play, the Xiangliu their heart is very depressed ,but how they on the bipolar magnetic bottle without any approach ,and the now see changes into a mountain of bipolar magnetic bottle ,the Xiangliu they are not neglected ,are receding .
relationresultThechange is a mountain of bipolar magnetic bottle and not towards the Xiangliu they attack ,but changes to limit is around all gods :toward the large array of hit ,rumbling noise, bipolar magnetic bottle in the hit the side of the day mumbo jumbo Pennant when suddenly exploded .
After the explosion ,and contains the inexhaustible magnetic energy is finally do ,God will have very large array to blow up a notch .relationresultPuchispit blood out of the South China Sea God ,see the gap ,face the look of ecstasy ,but also could not own mind by trauma ,direct broke their most powerful magic ,parcel Cihhang vegetarian static tens of thousands of disciples Meng is at the notch flew past ,and desperately the South China Sea God ,speed, in the Xiangliu they reflect over time, has been rushed out all the gods very large array .
relationresultButlook at Nanhai God ,with primary purification disciples fled ,the Xiangliu them and not to pursue ,but all flew to the Shushan sword school Tian-gang dipper sword array ,and Yu Qing reality and others started against Shushan sword sent up ,make Shushan sword school Tian-gang North sword array is more pressure increase, has some sustain .
relationresultThe South China SeaGod ,was also thought that the Xiangliu et al will come after them ,but she is not the big witch Xiangliu they were not to pursue their meaning ,it made her feel very puzzled ,but this time she is not so much the better ,not to kill ,so they can be more safety of left .
relationresultWith itshuge mana zone Cihhang vegetarian static tens of thousands of disciples are very large array toward God rushed outside ,when out of all gods very large array ,Nanhai God ,finally relieved ,and then looked back at Li Yu hole and war are jade ,thinking that one day hang static the enemy will come back two newspaper .
relationresultAnd turned toflee to South Sea God ,this time is suddenly feel oneself in vivo mana in an instant disappeared ,the human body is to have a look around the following falling ,the primary purification disciple, are also like her, all lost mana ,the following fall ,but in the eyes of others ,all merciful vegetarian static disciples and Nanhai God you lost ,seems to disappear .
relationresultBut thenthe answer is opened ,and in the South China Sea ,and merciful God vegetarian static tens of thousands of disciple ,one foot size ,like a black dog things in there, it is black jade kylin black .
Never showed it had been Kong Yu arranged outside ,waiting for the special space will all run people to stop .relationresultIt turned out that Kong Yuis not going to Shushan and the sword faction and primary purification bury the hatchet idea ,don say Shushan sword school and primary purification repeatedly against him ,even if it is for the future ,he also won Cihhang vegetarian static and Shushan sword school ,in order to eliminate the troubles ,Kong Yu this time would they catch all in one draft . Related articles:

