
google stolen or trade and

After the corpse sorcery, I decide into in walk.

Die a sorcery country very greatly, I just continuously to underground thorough.The corpse sorcery is less and less, more deluxely curse a corpse sorcery, bad luck corpse sorcery, improbity corpse the sorcery Be slowly several to come, I go forward of speed slowly come down, certainly experience is also more and more, see to here than outside suit me fine more to get stripe.Because the dark open space is invalid to the monster that the Wu works properly, I in addition to weakening monster, be deliver an only attack technical ability death dark cloud.As for photocopy Shu, although can make duplicate an oneself, because of consume sorcery too big, and easily expose my identity.To know that the dead works properly a master to fasten top-class sorcery with water the person of cleverness will definitely guess.Under the temptation of absolute being machine, believe I don't want to safely do and.

A spool of origins chapter 23 trades

The novel bus renews time:2010-7-716:39:42 chapter word numbers:2825

Walks while killing, the place slowly concentrating most toward the corpse sorcery walks.Now at the players here all is 40 above, all of big parts are a set of right.4 of my dry skeletons in addition to a Dou private was another three to all rise to dry skeleton to get a lord, held at the adding of baby under, each compare a corpse sorcery to want severe(the dry skeleton rises dry skeleton warrior to rise dry skeleton Dou the private rise dry skeleton to get a lord to rise the BOSS dry skeleton king, rise a file time monster grade to promote 3 classes each time until rise the BOSS dry skeleton the king just rise 11-30 classes at a time, so the dry skeleton gets a lord to equal 19 classes and adds to hold after baby again, already than 30 corpse sorcery severe), and 4 beats a , the common corpse sorcery approaches drive second.And curse, bad luck etc. corpse sorcery, beat also very easy, just improbity corpse sorcery, also need to chop down several more bottoms.

"!"A cry spreads, obviously was someone to hang, I ignored and continued my to kill strange itinerary."!"Is an again, I raise head and visit the place that spreads toward the voice.Black fog that from a distance there is one regiments scope about 30 squares is a dark open space!In faintly discernable have several personal shadows, voice be from in spread of.

The dark open space of so big scope, is who put?The besides dark open space works properly to fasten the invalid to the Wu, should have no which simpleton put just right!!!In the heart a move:Is what the BOSS puts?Hurriedly conductor the dry skeletons open a new road, go toward there blunt past.

The player of surroundings cleverness is also many, many people all to there run pass by.

EachBOSS all ratio originally the series' lowest monster is 20 classes in height, there is also the immediately additional technical ability of amount not certain, what to see to this corpse sorcery affixture king is a dark open space, inside of the those people inside have no bright offer sacrifices to, can not banish an open space, at in affirmation the Fu hand Fu feet, can not chop down a player, really troublesome.

Again again ring out a Hao call after, one learned bright fasten 40 and sorcery decontamination of only offer sacrifices to arrive to, sanctity of glorious moment broke up the blackness of open space.'I dislike to offer sacrifices to'hate in my heart of think a way.

One takes a dark gold color royal crown, hand the corpse sorcery of that bone Zhang showed a figure.The corpse sorcery of 50 classes although the king doesn't depend on,be added a splitting of warrior by the bow and arrow sorcery of surroundings several tens player to chop down, insisted 3 unwillingly lay down, exploded a ground of thing.In order to protecting rule for 3 minutes of product, a lot of persons all cast covetous eyes on of looking at, after the player that finally kills a corpse sorcery king started to check a product, be killed by those.Frankly speaking me to this 50 the class BOS the S explode of material how not interested in, at most work properly machine foot for you to die.However if is the absolute being machine fairy machine, I can affirm of say, I will also so do of, because I am a true mean person, can't can not pass with money, but now, I can pray for him and hope that he doesn't be too depressed after bringing to life.Took a look ground up, incredibly discover a book, that do I also Don't mention it guard beside, perhaps is a corpse sorcery to invoke.Side there are still 6 guys staying by the side, see to want to think that several rates that get hold of are no higher than 1/6.The material that sees them, the judgment inside has never died to work properly a master at, I talked:"Each eldest brother, seeing you didn't also die to work properly a master, when the time comes you who robbed to want to tell I is what technical ability book, my useful of buy down how."They noded to say to want to think:"Want ~only price accommodation, all right."

Wassoon for 3 minutes, the in the book covered with of once the protective coloration throw away, I stretch out a hand right away.Sees between the anything that vanishes, flank a claw son with far and far outstrip the mankind's speed a grasp book to walk me ……my having no language to twist a head , on seeing, is a guy that the robber dresses up.'The NND dog claw son stretches really quickly'my in the mind Be silent to read a way, mouth inside benignity of say "hello":

"Cough, eldest brother, you really not the Kui is a robber, the speed make me envy, is really the elite in the robber, the example in the player!"

"Ha ha, the An you do me too much honor, is a corpse sorcery to invoke, are you to want to buy?Open a price!"He still doesn't eat this set of, go straight to topic right away.

In the mind is a concussion, order to mean to buy "this …… eldest brother, this thing is yours, is still that you open, accommodation I bought", I don't know that he understands dead to work properly a master to invoke technical ability of precious or not, decide to make him say first.

"I also press the price of 30 class technical ability books in the market to sell you, 2000 gold coins, fair."He wanted to mean to say.

BE more obviously high than the price of 30 class books, however heart in still secretly pleased, he really don't know invokes of precious.Just wanted to trade with him, suddenly thought of, the commodity fair let the other party know his/her own name of, the favour said:"Eldest brother,google, I believe that you can't receive mine, however I didn't take so much money, not we trade in the glorious city how?"(All of name and material name attributes of player don't show, unless you know the appearance of this material, is not observe with the respected master class Shu to carry on an observation to the player.But the name of player only pass quilt PK , be stolen, or trade and become member an etc. method to know.)

"Is all right, 2000 gold coins also really aren't fraction eyes."He promised.

"So we see in the glorious city warehouse" I finish saying to knead a ground time city book, return.

On getting to city, right away airtight big Liu, incredibly have no on-line.Call eldest sister-in-law, also not at, have no way under tried to call grace, O.K., on-line:"Grace, are you over there?"

"In the spirit garden, you several days didn't contact us."The grace seems to be have a little not happy.

"Do not say this first, is it busy to can help me?"I quickly say."What favour?""You come to the square war absolute being statue of glorious city underneath, hurry.""Good, you wait" grace in a hurry turns off a pager.

Have no a short while to see her to trample a small ground step to run.I said affair a part right away, and then traded money to her, then took she walks toward warehouse.

That robber waits have a little impatient appearance, I hurriedly say sorry to him:"This ……my money all put in my girl friend there, I call her back to trade with you."Grace white my one eye, blushed to redly walk up, started trading with him.

Trading is easy, finished him to show very happily:"Ha ha have never thought to control breath today so good, checked 2000 gold coins, crest of lead my[one] month wages.To brothers, also don't know what do you call?See you so great spirit, I beat next time the dead works properly of technical ability book, can seek you."Is dizzy, he still really has heart, I say:"Everyone calls my shadow, you have a good book to call my girl friend also similar, her name you know?"He orders:", Originally your wife is responsible for your finance, that I in the future seek her be not than seek you tube still is used?!Ha ha play trick of, walk 88"turn round to run away.

A spool of origins chapter 24 lures

The novel bus renews time:2010-7-716:39:42 chapter word numbers:2270

After bastard runs away robber, I and elegant eye to the eye, embarrassedly to stand.

"This ……just for allowing him to doubt not heart I not in person with the problem that he trades, the blind plait says that money all takes care of for girl friend

