
cnn is the room in white

Gao Lian Sheng says:"Found out, our current coordinateses are ……" he marks on the stereoscopic star diagram.

All people all pour to take a suck at cool spirit, they unexpectedly run to the edge of galaxy, this star area is a cake of that the federal government abandons to fly ground-free star area.

Command module inside immediately the one is dead silent.

All of them are the persons of federal elite stratum, suddenly run to this interstellar robber, escaped convict, smuggle businessman and illegally bear arms the star area of gathering, really a little bit unimaginable.

Have never returned to federal space to jump up a coordinates here, unless arrive the free star purchases new star diagram, but hardly accepts the reputation of federal government to order here, by so doing they can not add airship energy as well as purchase new star diagram.

A long time, Lin Jun Bao asks a way:"Who acquaint with this star area?Who acquaint with a free star?"

The wry smile way of Gao Lian Sheng :"We are fighting during a lifetime, who will run to here?Sister-in-law's madam more naturally, is to be not likely to come in contact with here, also have who will acquaint with?"He repeatedly shakes head.

Lin Qi Yu says:"We did this surround?Here F through leave federal scope, that I am at the course of virtual school also up not, , that I not can need not examined?Too stick ……"

The clock Bei Mei lightly clapped his slap, carefully strange way:"Did you when also fear to go to school?, To, interstellar freely virtual net ……should be able to connect to go into here, probably the D Yuan still leaves what, I see."

Lin Qi Yu curiously says:"Grandmother, I also go."

Lin Jun Bao says:"I also see."

No one would like to stay in the command module, everyone wants to go together with clock Bei Mei, and an end still Lin Jun Bao says:"All stay here, I accompany go to go, H'm, the light rain also goes, come back me to tell everyone again result."

3 people arrive at the small scaled virtual cabin room of appropriation and respectively put on virtual helmet.

The clock Bei Mei is also the superior of virtual net, she tried a few methods and tried to connect a free net.

Lin Qi Yu after getting into the room of virtual net stand on the clock Bei Mei and Lin Jun Bao of looking at grandmother to adjust a virtual keyboard to try to connect to go into nearby.

Clock Bei the Mei is wrinkly eyebrows, say:"Is strange, the virtual net and the dissimilarity of federal here, wait for a second, I do a to try key with the password of D Wan."

Get into a virtual net, in what to appear is the room in white, there are a lot of airtight doors in the room, the in common use airtight door was presented a gray at first, that meant to connect a federal network and had some airtight door was an airship of male used with personal space.

Is many the airtight doors in red in room now, but can not open, Lin Qi Yu knows that that is the airtight door of freely virtual interstellar net, as long as open and then can get into.

The key that the clock Bei Mei is used to prepare can not also open, she sighs a way:"This may be the personal space key of D Wan, not the key that gets into a free net ……"

Lin Qi Yu says:"Grandmother lets me comes to try, you wait me for a while."He turns round the personal space of getting into he.

His virtual room is as a hideous mess as the room in the reality, is like the kennel that grandmother says, the thing throws to get all of places BE.He turns over a box to pour cabinet ground to look for, very quick find out a box with big palm in the virtual drawer.

Return to link space, Lin Jun Bao asks a way:"Light rain son, do you take what things?"

Lin Qi Yu smiles happily ground to say:"Is that I write of decrypt an insect."

The trick of these virtual nets Lin Jun Bao doesn't understand, clock Bei Mei concern of isn't these runts, so don't master in as well,cnn, but she knows to have the superior the airtight door that can crack various each kind.

The clock Bei Mei says:"Like, rain son to try."

Lin Qi Yu walks to the front of the red airtight door and opens an eyelet of black box and connects box by the side of the keyhole, sees a gold with long thin color insect son is from the box in climb, followed the keyhole of airtight door to drilled into.

The clock Bei Mei is a scientist, very curious to these small insects, she not from get a great way:"Rain son has never thought you also this kind of to decrypt a way."

In fact, this kind of just a little trifle is a lot of to young peoplely and most be subjected to, because there are a lot of places in the federal virtual net is they can not go to, only rely on this kind of to decrypt insect or other just a little trifles to just probably get into.

As long as diligently studying, so of decrypt insects by himself/herself all can with the creation.

Lin Qi Yu's curiosity is very heavy, he exclusively once studied how to crack a virtual net airtight door, this box of decrypt an insect is what he with meticulous care codes, he even uses this box of weapon demonstration that decrypted an insect to once enter a federal virtual net hall and visits the function of understanding various weapon.

Decrypt not and in a short while insect to condense in the keyhole and form one aureate key of chasing.

Lin Qi Yu satisfiedly says with smile:"Is successful!"He dismantles black box to accept well, turn key, the airtight door in red slowly opens.

The clock Bei Mei shakes head a way:"The surprisingly rain son still has this skill, gentleman leopard, if not that rain son comes, we don't want to get into a freely virtual net."

3 people walk into an airtight door, a space of circular appears at at present, the virtual street presents to project connective this space of form, there is a cake of blue on each street giving out light spot, up write the name of destination, as long as step on go to will be delivered to there.

The circular space contains two doors, on aring the red door that 3 people come in, the another is a black door, up mark clearly is a personal space, use key and then can get into.

Lin Jun Bao points at black way in the door:"The Mei Mei can open the personal space of D Wan from here, you to try and see."

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind secretly admires and uses key to directly open a personal space, what different key open is a different space, this is good friends with than the federal network, can be utmost to keep a secret.

For crack to say, breaking open the personal space isn't easy, because this behind is numerous personal spaces, want to find out the personal space that the particular person leaves, almost impossible.

The black door slowly opens, the clock Bei Mei competed first walked into, and Lin Jun Bao and Lin Qi Yu followed close behind afterward.

This space isn't big, in have a set of emulation experiment equipments.

The clock Bei Mei in astonishment stops and opens an experiment to record a to see, not from must call:"This ……this is …

…The experiment that evolves an original liquid re-appears, good heavens, there is also record ……"

A virtual image appears, listens to him saying:"Teacher Zhong, this is the gift that I stay to you, evolve the experiment of original liquid, I did two, this is the most complete, you are to go together with a master, this aspect need not I said more."

D Wan falsely the shadow in the sky twinkle.Lin Qi Yu knows that this is to leave a message image, the D Wan isn't in the virtual net.

The D Yuan immediately after says:"I of so make you arrive a free star area, is because the person who controls me is the somebody of federal government, I can not resist, can not also resist ……I early know teacher Zhong of a few kids are very fantastic, the getting of secret business association soldier's thing, your Lin Jia's latent force biggest, ha ha, some affairs perhaps even you also kept in the dark."

Lin Jun Bao in astonishment Zheng big eyes, his really not clear he three babies and sons at dry what.

The clock Bei Mei just a little knows some, however she concerns her own science research more.

"In fact, they are to want to grasp your son comes to coerce teacher Zhong to join, ha ha, but the continuous Sun soldier after folding will just knows the must not be offended of Lin Jia's person, so they just have never dared to use too rigorous measures to deal with you, speak of, you still kept aring stained with the son's light."Peep out one silk smile on the D Wan face.

The clock Bei Mei asks a way:"Does my kid have a matter?"

D Wan because is the image for leaving, can not and others interact dialogue.He immediately after says:"Arrive a free star area, you on the contrary safety ……within the scope of federal, you are alone and helpless in the space, can not get any help, as long as getting into any star that the federal belongs to and adding energy, they can find out you, on the land, you the opportunity for doing not succeed in escaping.

"I now is trying to help you, if you see this message image, prove I F through succeed, ha ha, also prove that I have enough performance talent at the same time."

Lin Jun Bao lightly says:"This D Wan is fantastic."

The D Yuan continues to say:"The free star area is a place that doesn't have the personal status, recognizes a resources to talk just here, the reputation of federal's ordering can exchange only in the specialized place.In the free star area, if there are no resources and money here, anyones are all in difficult pass, say nothing of the energy of adding the airship

