
Facebook and sought a room s

 (Everyone in person kiss consumedly, in July monthly ticket war Feng smoke again rise!If you are VIP to hire by the month a customer, so you had a few monthly tickets, snow wolf begged you and threw the monthly ticket to the An, you order my book page of that ordering is then a monthly ticket for a while, there are several pieces ordering several bottoms.Your monthly ticket is the power that we renew!Snow wolf thanks politely!!!)
"The devil just withdrew, we reached agreement, I saw you, you went ashore, how so many ships?Is all Hong Kui?"The beard Ba in the sky asks a way.
"Reach to negotiate?What negotiate?"I ask a way."You come up us to chat again, radio station in say this insecurity!""Okay, eldest brother, I go ashore right away!"Finish saying I leave a yellow cheerful ship, I who depend to come over on the Deng take of a machine round.
Or island of two machine round, depend by the side of the landing stage of the sandy beach harbor.I went ashore, the beard Ba in the sky the wooden board building before sandy beach wait me.The beard Ba in the sky says to me:"The Hong Kui comes to four ships, 20 speed boats, he is to put together net cost, regrettable, the Japanese has already walked, you came to night!"
I follow a beard Ba to walk into a house for sky and sit down some root smoke to ask a way:"What does the Japanese make us dry?""The Japanese makes us cooperate with them, the noncooperation polishes off us and cooperates and then makes us continues artesian well platform and petroleum of fighting the mainland investigate to explore a ship to support of our weapon material!"The beard Ba in the sky looking at me to say.
"Did you promise?It is a traitor of China to do like this!"I call a way.The beard Ba in the sky says:"What way do I have?We just took over a black Sha meeting, person again little, material again bad, first steady lived them, they left for us much aer took care of rocket blast-off and long-range rocket to play and promise us to only polish off an artesian well platform to give us USD 10,000,000!10,000,000!Brothers, you want, we rob how much fishing boat just can gather together enough 10,000,000!"
I sigh a tone way:"Since so, I also had nothing to say, you are an eldest brother, you said to calculate, I make them all withdraw."I came out plank building to arrive at the machine round top of the side of landing stage to contact with Huang Xing , let them returned to an enticing island first and depended on to account behaviour.
I am some to lose, originally thinking can greatly do with self-defence forces in the coast a , but put across a result like this.I follow a beard the Ba saw for sky ten 12 tube rockets play to shoot and have a liking for to go to is like the Ka autumn a kind of insect of the former Soviet Union, can pack to shoot on the deck of machine round.
"Beat artesian well platform with this thing, overlay rate Gao, the artillery range is far, the destructiveness is strong, good thing, had this, our thermodynamic powers were getting stronger more, I intend to be each in the naval base fort and the sandy beach harbor to equip 2 and leave 6 to go aboard ……"
I don't want to listen to a beard again for sky the Ba chatters without stopping of loquacious,cnn, say:"Eldest brother!You love Zha whole the Zha is whole, I all through the night rush a set of to come to save to drive, you can pour well, negotiated for peace with devil, go, I trapped to die and sought a room sleeping for me!"
The beard Ba in the sky roars with laughter a way:"You now are an open black Sha meeting is two elder brothers, in the mind unbalance?You also negotiate for peace 1 with devil!You Li Xi Si, takes two elder brothers Ji building sleeping, call is chosen two beauties by the beautiful son to wait upon,Ha ha ha ha!"
I this just thinks of, there is still on this black Sha island a Ji building, there are still there a flock of Japanese the Niangs, say to You Li Xi Si:"Quickly take me to go to, I am good friends with taste of tasting Japanese the Niangs well!"
The Si motoring of You Li Xi pulls I go straight to base Ji building but go, You Li Xi Si says:"Two elder brothers, you wanted me, I don't think with eldest brother, the eldest brother was fierce to too much, the Japanese went to an island yesterday, there were two brotherses to scold two be killed on the spot with gun by him, mama of, I also hated Japanese devil, I thought at that time, if elder brother Bin at good!"
I smile to say:"The eldest brother contains the intention of eldest brother, he also for the sake of the existence of the secret society, ignore he, you to do my armed escort long!Ha ha, I want an armed escort!How is 20 people's armed escort?"
"20 people?The armed escort of eldest brother also only ten people!"You Li Xi Si says."Oh!That is also ten people and wait to descend me to go up a sleeping, you set up armed escort set for me, choosing the strong body of body is strong, the armed escort is to use to put a shape, the appearance wants to be a little bit malicious of, understand not?"I say.
"Is understand!Two elder brothers, the Ji building arrived, I accompanied you to go in first and give you the arrangement like, waited upon you to lie down, I then choose ruffian!"You Li Xi Si stops car Ga ground at Ji building door before.
My swagger walks into, is smiled by the beautiful son to sing to come up to a way:"Ah, two elder brothers drive!"You Li Xi Si comes forward rightness from beautiful the son say:"Open a last building of upstairs, make two unique color beauties wait upon two an elder brother sleeping!"
"Say so much!Hui son, white bulb of lily to wait upon two elder brothers to go upstairs joss-stick pack rest!"The beautiful son shouted two be dressed in is fatty to greatly show consideration to of have a full figure the young girl come over, part a Chan hand me of arm, a burst of pure fragrance set of come, I stretch hand or so hugged two very soft bodies to go upstairs go to.
"The joss-stick wraps" opens, in have four tatami sizes, the flank is by the wall a snow-white bathtub, in is steeping lavender of medicine bath water.
Two beauties take off dress trousers for me and daut a strong muscle of my whole body, ground speak Japanese and do a surprised form, I smile and pushed away them to across into big bathtub ……
Japanese chemisette is different of Be been placed in to, they knew the need of attracting the man too much, I had never needed I to begin, nature also the bedding and clothing wait on comfortable comfortable, smoked joss-stick medicine bath after, I take off clothes but sleep, hand over a neck with beauty to fold, unexpectedly and greatly slept the first.
Too the woman of occupation doesn't like, after releasing own desire, I rushed through them to go out.Always the deep slumber is just called by You Li Xi Si to come to till evening, say:"The eldest brother makes two elder brothers go to party hall to totally enter dinner!"
Took leave from the beautiful son, I followed You Li Xi Si to come out Ji building.Fierce infantry horse's car that outside stops two dark yellowish green colors, You Li Xi Si has already chosen to like ten strong men for me, I really am satisfied with that the location nods a way:"The brotherses , from now on, follow two elder brothers and share both prosperity and adversity, you would like to?"
"Would like to!"Include You Li Xi Si at inside total unanimous opinion of 11 people call a way."Good!Walk, heel two elder brothers eat meat to drink to the party hall,google!"I take a to help to is dressed in the brothers that camouflage battle takes to arrive at the party hall of distance is not.
The black base party hall lights in Sha island is bright, there are the both sides that 5610 brotherses sit on a long long big wood table at this time, more than ten beauty with romantics shuttle in the interval and pour wine to carry vegetables and smile a Xia drama with the pirates Xi, the whole party hall foul air, one bilabial wave language!
"Two elder brothers arrive!"You Li Xi Si loudly cry way.The hall inside is getting more silent a while, the owners all see toward the doorway.My smile puts a hand way:"You continue, does the eldest brother shout?"
"I am here!Two elder brothers, Wu Bin, sit at me nearby!"The beard Ba in the sky at long table of most in top, his bosom embraces a petite long deliver red body beauty, just rise ride astride his thigh up.
I ha ha on smiling to walk over there, a few men beside the eldest brother stepped aside position, I sit down with You Li Xi Si, and ten other bodyguards then sat wherever you liked in the behind.
The beard Ba in the sky throws the little girl of his bosom to my bosom and stands up to toast a way:"The brotherses, from now on, the black Sha island is us boat mountain fleet of!This Wu Bin, everyone definitely and not too acquaints with, but, he polished off black Sha!Polished off sea snake!Polished off sea wolf, seal and one large numbers of black Shas of get dint stem will, more important BE, Wu Bin successively 23 times the life that once saved my beard Ba in the sky!So, the black Sha wills has my half and also have Wu Bin's half!From now on, he is two elder brothers of black Sha meeting!Original boat mountain fleet captain Xue Li, advance to black Sha meeting three elder brothers!Continue to get a boat mountain fleet generally, the black Sha fleet is then got generally by Wang An Shui, rise Wang An Shui as black Sha meeting at the same time four elder brothers!"
Many brotherses stood up to put out strength to applause together, the beard Ba in the sky puts a hand way:"Everyone heartily revels tonight,Facebook!Chase the misses of Ji building to all call to here, literally have fun, go on vacation for three days, three day after Related articles:

